Groovy Hex Editor 1.6

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Groovy十六进制编辑器是编辑二进制格式的工具。我特别注意使它丰富多彩,易于使用,并试图给它一个很酷的颜色方案(因此名称"groovy"十六进制编辑器)。您也可以将其降级为"标准"窗口配色方案"(如果更您喜欢的话)。它是一个功能齐全的十六进制编辑器,具有许多高级功能。您可以在十六进制和十进制之间切换显示,并且有一个内置的检查器,它轻松地允许您一次看到一组字节的十六进制、十进制和二进制等效项。您可以轻松地控制每行显示的字节数和每组的字节数。这使得它非常适合查看各种数据类型(字节、单词、长字等)。该程序具有多级撤消和重做功能,让您快速修复错误。甚至有一个更改日志,允许您跟踪对当前文件所做的修改。主窗口是颜色编码(和可配置的),以便您可以突出显示不同颜色的不同项目。内置了各种工具,包括一个字符串筛选功能,它会自动将所有 ascii 字符串从文件中拉出,以便您可以在一个方便的位置看到所有字符串。此程序具有 SB-Software 无麻烦保证:无间谍软件、无广告软件、无病毒、无过期和未禁用功能。


  • 版本 1.6 发布于 2006-11-17



End-User License Agreement for SB-Software product: 1. This license agreement is an agreement between you and SB-Software for the use of the software product and associated materials. 2. The software product is protected by copyright laws owned by SB-Software and/or Scott M. Baker 3. Permission is granted to distributed the software product, in an unmodified state with all associated materials included, for noncommercial use only. This license agreement must be included in any such distribution. Permission for commercial distribution must be made by contacting SB-Software via the following email addresses: [email protected]. 4. SB-Software expressly disclaims any warranty for the software product. The software product and its related materials are provided as-is without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. In no event shall SB-Software and/or Scott M. Baker be liable for any damages whatsoever arising from the use or inability to use the software product. Use of the software product and its related materials is solely at your own risk. 5. You agree not to reverse engineer the software product or redistribute the software product in a modified state 6. If you do not agree with any of the above terms, abort the installation procedure immediately.