十六进制研讨会十六进制编辑器(按断点软件)是一套完整的微软窗口十六进制开发工具。Hex Workshop 集成了先进的二进制编辑和数据解释和可视化,以及现代文字处理器的轻松和灵活性。使用十六进制研讨会,您可以编辑、剪切、复制、粘贴、插入、填充和删除二进制数据。您还可以使用我们的集成结构查看器和智能书签处理其本机结构和数据类型中的数据。数据编辑是快速和容易的我们广泛的功能,允许您:跳转到文件或扇区的位置,查找或替换数据,执行算术,位,逻辑操作,二进制比较文件,生成校验和摘要,查看字符分布和导出数据到RTF或HTML发布。 Hex Workshop 包括一个带磁盘成像工具的扇区编辑器、用于在十六进制、十进制和二进制数据类型之间转换的基本转换器、支持算术和位运操作的十六进制计算器、支持变量、条件、迭代和算术和位化操作的表达式计算器,以及一个数据可视化器,旨在帮助您直观地识别渲染图像中的模式和有趣的数据。还包括我们的数据检查器,它允许您快速编辑和查看十进制、浮点或时间和日期表示中的数据。 主要特点: - 丰富的功能集 - 高度可定制的用户界面 - 数据解释和解析 - 集成二进制比较
- 版本 6.8.0 发布于 2014-09-01
Hex 研讨会 v6.8 具有具有语法着色的集成结构、颜色映射和表达式计算器编辑器。 - 版本 4.23 发布于 2004-02-21
- 软件分类: 系统实用程序 > 文本/文档编辑器
- 发布者: BreakPoint Software, Inc.
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $89.95
- 版本: 6.8.0
- 适用平台: windows
Hex Workshop Copyright (c) 1995-2014, BreakPoint Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. License Agreement You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. DISCLAIMER ---------- Users of Hex Workshop must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "Hex Workshop is supplied as is. BreakPoint Software, Inc. disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of Hex Workshop." DISTRIBUTION ------------ The registered version of Hex Workshop cannot be distributed without the expressed written permission of BreakPoint Software, Inc. You may copy and distribute the unmodified demonstration version of this software in electronic form. You are prohibited from charging for or distributing this software with other products (commerical or otherwise) without the expressed permission of BreakPoint Software, Inc. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY --------------------- This program is owned by BreakPoint Software, Inc. and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. Violation of this copyright is a serious offense VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT IS A SERIOUS OFFENSE. DEMONSTRATION VERSION --------------------- You have the non-exclusive right to use Hex Workshop for 35 days for the purpose of evaluation. After the 35 days trial period, you must purchase the registered version, or discontinue using the product by removing it completely from your computer. NO DISASSEMBLY OR DECRYPTION ---------------------------- You may not disassemble, decompile or decrypt the Software without the expressed permission of BreakPoint Software, Inc. USER LICENSE ------------ You may either use this program on 1) a single computer with multiple users or 2) multiple computers with the same single user. This program is the property of BreakPoint Software, Inc., and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. VIOLATION OF THIS COPYRIGHT IS A SERIOUS OFFENSE, PUNISHABLE BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.