Hide Files 3.4

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 239.32 KB
‎用户评分: 2.0/5 - ‎20 ‎评分

您拥有不想与他人共享的任何文件或程序,或者其中包含财务和税务信息、密码、个人信件和电子邮件、私人图像以及其他机密或个人 数据。但通常,计算机文件和文件夹没有安全保护,因此保护它们的最佳方法就是使文件或文件夹不可见。隐藏文件使隐藏任何文件和文件夹(或整个Windows文件夹,甚至所有计算机磁盘)。 "隐藏文件"允许您选择您选择的任何文件夹(和带文件的子文件夹),以保护为隐藏的文件和文件夹。您可以选择计算机上的任何文件夹,也可以从 Windows 资源管理器进入"隐藏文件"窗口。只需单击一下,所选文件夹即变为不可见。一旦文件或文件夹被隐藏,就不可能找到它们,或访问和删除任何文件。取消隐藏 文件或文件夹是很容易隐藏他们 - 只需鼠标点击,他们是可见的,并再次访问。如果程序文件夹或整个磁盘处于隐藏状态,则程序本身或 Windows 将继续正常工作。 隐藏文件受密码和热键保护,您可随时更改或删除密码和热键。您可以使用此安全功能保护隐藏文件免受未经授权的启动。 隐藏文件功能: - 可以同时隐藏任何数量的文件和文件夹。 - 程序不修改文件系统结构。 - 支持 NTFS、FAT32 和 FAT 文件系统。 - 程序启动的热键和密码保护。 - 隐身模式 - 程序本身可以隐藏。 - 隐藏文件将隐藏任何文件夹,包括 Windows、Windows 系统文件夹和 Windows 分区根文件夹,而不会损坏操作系统本身(即您的计算机将继续正常工作)。 - 网络上隐藏文件的隐身性。 - 锁定隐藏的文件或文件夹,以防止通过最近使用的文件列表访问它们。


  • 版本 3.4 发布于 2004-10-07



Spydex, Inc. Software License Agreement ======================================= You acknowledge and agree that computer program and associated documentation (collectively, the "Software") are owned exclusively by Spydex Inc. and are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. Upon acceptance of this Agreement, Spydex Inc. grants to you license to use the Software, provided that you agree to the following: a) You accept, a limited, non-exclusive and revocable license to use the Software, in machine-readable, object code form only. You agree to use the Software only as authorized in this License Agreement. This License Agreement does not convey to you any ownership rights or any other interest in the Software. b) This license will become effective on the date when you install the Software and will remain in force until terminated. You can terminate the license at any time by removing the Software from his computer and destroying the original Software and all copies. This license will automatically terminate if you violate any of the terms or conditions set out in this License Agreement. c) All intellectual property rights in and to this Software are and shall remain in Spydex, Inc. exclusively. d) You agree not to modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software. You may not sell, lease, and rent or sublicense the Software or any portion of it. e) The Software is intended for authorized system administrators, security managers, owners of the computers and so on. Spydex Inc. assumes no liability and is not responsible for any misuse of the Software. It is the final user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state, federal and countries laws. f) The software is being delivered to you "AS IS" and Spydex Inc. makes no warranty as to its use or performance. Spydex Inc. does not and cannot warrant the performance or results you may obtain by using the Software or documentation. Spydex Inc. makes no warranties, express or implied, as to non-infringement of third party rights, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. In no event will Spydex Inc. be liable to you for any consequential, incidental or special damages, including any lost profits or lost savings, even if an Spydex Inc. representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any third party. g) Terms and conditions of this Agreement may not be modified, amended, canceled or in any way altered, nor may they be modified by you and usage of trade or course of dealing, except by an instrument in writing and signed by a duly authorized person of Spydex Inc. Spydex Inc. reserves all rights not expressly granted here. YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOREGOING AGREEMENT WAS INDICATED DURING INSTALLATION.