HiDialer 2000 Standard 3.2.19

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如今,全球网络和几乎即时的通信与烤面包机和远程控制器一样常见。很难找到一个从未听说过互联网和相关技术的人。 随着网络的增长和科技的进一步发展,我们倾向于转向宽带连接。但是,拨号连接似乎仍然是 SOHO 环境中最合适且最具成本效益的方法之一。通过普通电话线运行的调制解调器仍然足够方便和坚固,满足大多数家庭和小型办公室电子通信需求。 但是,使用考虑不周的内置 Windows 工具连接到 ISP 在繁忙线路上可能比较棘手。除了通过调制解调器连接,还有一个任务,保持连接活着,只要我们希望它是和任务,监测连接速度和性能,保持统计数据,重新拨号丢失的连接和许多其他任务,我们的梦想拨号程序应该能够完成。查找和安装所有必需的软件可能需要很多时间。不用说,从不同的供应商购买几个解决方案肯定会花费你很多。那么,有解决方法吗? 是的!有!介绍 HiDialer 2000, 独特的拨号和连接软件, 旨在把你的调制解调器连接头痛, 使秩序的信息破坏. HiDialer 2000 允许使用其专利拨号技术,在几秒钟内建立与 ISP 的连接。除了它的主要用途,应用程序能够同步时间与原子时钟,自动连接,断开和重新连接到 ISP 的失败和记录所有会话时间。 投入自动应用程序启动连接到互联网,方便的日程安排和高度翔实的统计数据,你会得到正确的应用程序,以满足您的所有拨号需求!HiDialer 2000 提供标准和专业版本,为个人、公司和 ISP 提供经济高效的许可。


  • 版本 3.2.19 build 1110 发布于 2004-03-05



HiDialer 2000 v3.2 END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT Copyright This software is copyrighted 1999-2004, KG Software Group. The use and copyright of this software is governed by international copyright treaties. KG Software Group retains full title and rights to this software and documentation, and in no way does the license granted diminish the intellectual property rights of KG Software Group. You must not redistribute the registration codes provided, on paper, electronically, or in any other form. Evaluation Version This is not free software. You are hereby licensed to use this software for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 30 days. Using this software after the evaluation period violates copyright laws and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties. Registered Version One registered copy of this software may be used by only one person who uses the software personally on one or more computers. Further, it may be installed on a single workstation used non-simultaneously by more than one person, but not both. Disclaimer THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL KG SOFTWARE GROUP BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS LICENSE, UNDERSTAND IT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS. Governing Law This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the Russian Federation. Distribution This software may be distributed freely in its original unmodified and unregistered form. The distribution must include all files of its original distribution. Distributors may not charge any money for it. Anyone distributing this software for any kind of remuneration must first contact us for authorization. Other Restrictions You may not modify, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble this software in any way, including changing or removing any messages or windows.