ICQ 情感热键是一个最终的帮助者,当你没有时间或不愿意执行太多的操作插入表情或短信,同时通过ICQ与你的朋友沟通。大多数用户在使用"点击点击"搜索和插入必要的表情时,通常不会感到任何极大的不便。但这只会持续,直到你开始使用ICQ情绪热键,直到你意识到,这样大量的时间和精力可以节省这个有用的热键管理器的帮助! ICQ 情感热键有一个令人眼花缭和完全简单的界面。它的所有功能都可在鼠标右键单击一个小,但引人注目的托盘图标。您还可以选择"冻结热键",这意味着与一些其他程序相比,热键不会正常工作,而其他程序只有在卸载后才能禁用其功能。ICQ 情感热键让您更快、更轻松地表达您的感受,让您的在线互动变得更加愉快和精彩。 购买 ICQ HotKey 贴纸后,您可以获得更多的便利,这是一包带有 ICQ 6.0 表情和短信符号标签的键盘贴纸,从而有机会获得产品的全部欣赏。
- 版本 发布于 2007-09-16
- 软件分类: 网络与互联网 > 其他
- 发布者: emotionhotkey
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $9.95
- 版本:
- 适用平台: windows
LICENSE AGREEMENT Subject matter This license applies to the computer program named ICQ Emotion HotKey (Software hereinafter). All rights for this program are reserved by EmotionHotKey. Licenses You may install a copy of the Software on one computer. You may freely move the Software from one computer to another, provided that you are the only individual using the Software. You may use an unregistered copy of the Software for evaluation purposes only. The unregistered version of the Software will add the text (* Please register at www.emotionhotkey.com *) every 5 emoticon you put in the text. This happen in 30 days of using Software without registration. You will have to purchase a license for the legal use of the Software. Restrictions You may not emulate, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble the Software. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal prosecution. The Software is provided "as is", i.e. without a guarantee of any kind. Emotion HotKey neither guarantees nor takes no responsibility regarding the use or the results of using the Software in terms of reliability, accuracy of fitness for a particular purpose. You assume the entire risk of direct and indirect damages from the correct or incorrect use of the Software. Money-back guarantee We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee to make your purchase free of risk. If you are not satisfied with this software tell us a reason and we will refund your money. General Installing and using the program signifies the acceptance of the terms and conditions of the license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license, you must remove the program files from you storage devices and cease to use this Software.