Instrumentation WorkShop for FireMonkey

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TMS 仪器车间旨在可视化仪器控制应用的典型数据,实现 Embarcaderos 最新框架的新体系结构和设计方法:FireMonkey。控件的布局或样式在单独的文件中设计,然后从组件加载该文件。计算和交互在组件的代码中处理,并连接到布局或样式文件中描述的图形元素。 功能概述: - 具有独立可自定义样式的可配置组件 - 支持 Win32、 Win64、 MacOSx iOS - TTMSFMX电路高格:圆形仪表组件,具有可定制的分区和细分,支持设定点、部分、额外针头 - TTMSFMX线性高格:圆形仪表的线性版本 - TTMSFMXRotarySwitch:圆形开关控制,具有可配置的位置数 - TTMSFMXKnobSwitch:圆形开关控制,每个位置的位置上和 LED 指示灯可配置。 - TTMSFMXSpinner:平滑动画微调器与可自定义的列和日期时间支持,外观感觉的 iOS 日期/时间选择器 - TTMSFMXSLider:带动画的可手写滑块 - TTMSFMXLED:简单的独立LED控制 - TTMSFMXLEDBar:每个 LED 的 LED 指示灯,可选不同的开/关颜色 - TTMSFMXLED计:平滑色彩过渡LED仪表,具有可自定义的颜色和可定制的步数 - TTMSFMXLedScope:范围组件,包括一系列LED仪表通道 - TTMSFMXC时钟:时钟组件 - TTMSFMX通票:指南针组件 - TTMSFMXMatrixLabel:具有不同文本大小框格式、不同标签大小和颜色的标签 - TTMSFMXScope:具有通道收集和可自定义部门、细分和网格布局的范围组件


  • 版本 发布于 2012-06-18
    新 : 支持更新 4 修补程序 1
  • 版本 发布于 2012-04-05
    新增 : 支持更新 4 - 新 : 重新组织包 - 新 : MacBlue, iOS 和深色样式添加 - 新 : 黄金图,光,红宝石图和 Windows 7 样式添加



TMS component single developer license agreement ------------------------------------------------ TMS component license agreement between TMS software and holder of the component license. The license of the component gives you the right to: - using the component for development of applications or any type of software module in general by a single developer within the company holding the license. - sell any commercial compiled application with the control, published by the company holding the license. - make modifications to the source code of component for own use. - use the component and source code on all development systems used by the developer assigned by the company holding the license. - request future versions of the component at any time either through the web or by email for a full version cycle of the component or maximum 2 years after purchase. After expiry of the registration TMS software can no longer provide any old version of software, documentation or samples. TMS software is not a backup service and expects backups to be made by the licensed user. - access to priority email support by the single developer assigned by the company holding the license during the license period. - sell any number of applications in any quantity without any additional run-time fees required The license agreement prevents you from: - distributing parts or full source code of any component from TMS software. - using parts or full source code of components from the TMS software for creating any type of other components that are distributed or sold with or without source code. - changing the source code of any component from TMS software and sell or distribute this as a modified product. - creating a descendant compiled product such as OCX or ActiveX control and sell or distribute this as a product - using the control in applications sold with different publisher name than the company holding the license - transfer the license to another developer - transfer the license to another company - using the components by multiple developers in the company holding the license - the license agreement terminates immediately after violation of any of the terms and conditions described Disclaimer: THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE APPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE ACCURACY AND THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND ALL OTHER RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION. bvba SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF bvba HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL bvba BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR OTHER DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES OR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS, EVEN IF bvba HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.