Investment Growth RateCalculator 2.0.0

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如果您有任何类型的投资或股票,您可能经常想知道您的资金增长的实际速度。此计算器根据您以前所有投资的日期和当前余额计算复合利率。通过了解不同时期的增长率,您可以决定微调您的投资策略。 此外,计算器通过存储包含提醒的多个帐户信息来提供帐户管理。该帐户可以以任何货币分配。查找以任何货币表示的合并账户余额。这些功能将使计算器对长期使用有用。 要计算实际利率,请输入所有以前的投资信息(投资日期和投资金额)。然后,输入当前日期和余额,利率计算器将计算利率!就是这么简单!您还可以使用此计算器计算两个期间之间的利率,以查看该期间的表现。这可用于创造性地确定每周、每月、每季度或每年的利率。 计算器还预测了您的投资积累,在说10年。预测是灵活的,包括定期投资和税收。这为您提供了更逼真的投影。 该软件的作者认为,在投资和正确的投资组合的复利的魔力是10-20年获得良好回报的伟大途径之一。具有良好数学和计算机背景的作者已经创建了这个计算器供他们使用!免费共享软件版本有足够的好东西,让你对投资感到兴奋。所以,尝试它,注册它,只有当你喜欢的软件! 帮助文件描述了利率计算器的工作,复利的魔力,一些提示和链接。对于精通数学的人,我们描述了计算速率和投影时使用的数学公式。


  • 版本 2.0.0 发布于 2004-06-20



This license authorizes you to use the Investment Growth RateCalculatorl solely in accordance with this Agreement. You may use the unregistered version of the software as long as you like and can share with others. You shall not sell, lease, transfer, sublicense, disseminate, modify the Program or any information pertaining thereto to any other party without the prior written consent of Vidyasoft Applications. You may not reverse assemble or reverse compile or otherwise attempt to create the source code from the Program. This software and associated documents are sold "as is" and without warranties as to performance, merchantability, or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of various hardware and software environment into which this program might be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. While every effort to test the product in a wide variety of operating environment has been made, good procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume entire risk of the program and associated documents. Any liability of the author will be limited exclusively to product replacement or refund of the purchase price.