iSpring Converter 6.1

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iSpring 转换器作为 PowerPoint 外接程序安装,并执行准确的 PowerPoint 到 HTML5 转换,即使保留 PowerPoint 演示文稿的最先进的功能:动画和过渡效果、PowerPoint 样式、嵌入式音频和视频、超链接和交互性。iSpring 转换器允许在 iPad 和其他移动设备上查看复杂的 PowerPoint 演示文稿。 除了将 PowerPoint 转换为 HTML5 之外,iSpring 转换器还提供插入 YouTube 视频和 Web 对象的其他功能,以帮助您的 HTML5 演示文稿或课程更具表现力。 在 PPT 到 HTML5 转换后,您的演示文稿和电子学习课程将保持其原始的 PowerPoint 外观和交互性。


  • 版本 4.0 发布于 2008-12-12



iSpring END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT NOTICE TO USER: THIS END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT IS A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT THAT SHOULD BE READ IN ITS ENTIRETY. THIS IS AN AGREEMENT GOVERNING YOUR USE OF iSpring SOFTWARE, FURTHER DEFINED HEREIN AS PRODUCT, AND THE LICENSOR OF THE PRODUCT IS WILLING TO PROVIDE YOU WITH ACCESS TO THE PRODUCT ONLY ON THE CONDITION THAT YOU ACCEPT ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THIS AGREEMENT. BELOW, YOU ARE ASKED TO ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT AND CONTINUE TO INSTALL OR, IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, TO DECLINE THIS AGREEMENT, IN WHICH CASE YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO INSTALL OR USE THE PRODUCT. BY INSTALLING THIS PRODUCT YOU ACCEPT ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. BEFORE PUTTING A CHECKMARK AT THE I accept the terms of the License Agreement AND CLICKING THE Next BUTTON TO PROCEED WITH THE PRODUCT INSTALLATION, PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, AS SUCH ACTION IS A SYMBOL OF YOUR SIGNATURE AND BY PUTTING A CHECKMARK AT THE I accept the terms of the License Agreement AND CLICKING THE Next BUTTON, YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY AND ARE BECOMING A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT AND AGREE THAT THIS AGREEMENT IS ENFORCEABLE LIKE ANY WRITTEN NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT SIGNED BY YOU. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT MARK THE CHECK BOX I accept the terms of the License Agreement AND/OR CLICK THE Cancel BUTTON AND THE PRODUCT WILL NOT BE INSTALLED ON YOUR COMPUTER. This Product will not install on your computer unless or until you accept the terms of this Agreement. You may receive a copy of this Agreement by contacting Licensor at: [email protected]. 1. Proprietary Rights and Non-Disclosure. 1.1. Ownership Rights. You agree that the Product and the authorship, systems, ideas, methods of operation, documentation and other information contained in the Product, are proprietary intellectual properties and/or the valuable trade secrets of the Licensor or its suppliers and/or licensors and are protected by civil and criminal law, and by the law of copyright, trade secret, trademark and patent of the United States, other countries and international treaties. You may use trademarks only insofar as to identify printed output produced by the Product in accordance with accepted trademark practice, including identification of trademark owner's name. Such use of any trademark does not give you any rights of ownership in that trademark. The Licensor and/or its suppliers own and retain all right, title, and interest in and to the Product, including without limitations any error corrections, enhancements, Updates or other modifications to the Software, whether made by the Licensor or any third party, and all copyrights, patents, trade secret rights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights therein. Your possession, installation or use of the Product does not transfer to you any title to the intellectual property in the Product, and you will not acquire any rights to the Product except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. All copies of the Product made hereunder must contain the same proprietary notices that appear on and in the Product. Except as stated herein, this Agreement does not grant you any intellectual property rights in the Product and you acknowledge that the License, as further defined herein, granted under this Agreement only provides you with a right of limited use under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Licensor reserves all rights not expressly granted to you in this Agreement. 1.2. No Reverse Engineering. You acknowledge that the Product is proprietary to the Licensor and constitutes trade secrets of the Licensor. You agree not to modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the code of the Product in any way. 1.3. No Modification. You agree not to modify or alter the Product in any way. You may not remove or alter any copyright notices or other proprietary notices on any copies of the Product. 1.4. Confidential Information. You agree that, unless otherwise specifically provided herein the Product, including the specific design and structure of individual programs and the Product, constitute confidential proprietary information of the Licensor or its suppliers and/or licensors. You agree not to transfer, copy, disclose, provide or otherwise make available such confidential information in any form to any third party. For purposes hereof, License Key shall mean a file or a unique sequence of digit and/or symbols provided to you by the Licensor confirming the purchase of the license from the Licensor, which may carry the information about the License, i.e. its type, the user name and the number of licenses purchased in accordance with the License, as defined below, granted under this Agreement., and may enable the full functionality of the Product. Furthermore, in addition to or in lieu of you entering the License Key, Licensor reserves the right to implement an activation procedure requiring you in order to enable the full functionality of the Product to connect, through the Product's interface, to Licensors server and by entering into this Agreement you agree to comply with such online activation procedure. You agree to implement reasonable security measures to protect such confidential information. 2. Grant of License. 2.1. License. The Licensor grants you the non-exclusive and non-transferable license to Use the specified version of the Software on a specified number of computers, workstations, personal digital assistants, hand-held devices, or other electronic devices for which the software was designed (each a Client Device) pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement (License) and you hereby agree and accept such License as follows: a) Individual License. If the Product is licensed under Individual License as reflected in the License Key and/or invoicing terms you may Use one copy of the Product on one (1) Client Device solely for Personal Use. For purposes of this Agreement, Personal Use shall mean personal non-commercial use, and not on behalf or for the benefit of any clients and excludes any commercial purposes whatsoever, which include without limitation: advertising marketing and promotional materials/services on behalf of an actual client, employer, employee or for your own benefit, any products that are commercially distributed, whether or not for a fee, any materials or services for sale or for which fees or charges are paid or received. Additionally, the individual licensing terms may specify other terms, conditions and restrictions of Using the Product. b) Commercial Use License. If the Product is licensed under Commercial License as reflected in the License Key and/or invoicing terms specified in the applicable invoicing or packaging for the Product you may Use the Product for Personal or Commercial Use (as defined below) in accordance with the Documentation and published functionality of the Product. For purposes hereof, Commercial Use shall mean any Use of the Product for legal business, commercial, or government purpose in accordance with Documentation. One purchased License for any Product licensed under Commercial License entitles you to Use one copy of the Product on two (2) Client Devices, where each such Client Device is situated at alternative locations (i.e. place of business and home) by a single permitted user, provided that if multiple or volume licenses are purchased, the number of the Client Devices and/or the number of permitted users shall be as provided and permitted by invoicing terms and/or applicable License Key. c) Evaluation License. If the Product is licensed under Evaluation License terms as reflected in the License Key specified in the applicable invoicing or packaging for the Product you may Use the Product solely for purposes of demonstration and internal testing, examination and evaluation of the Product. d) Site License. If the Product is licensed with site license terms as reflected in the License Key and/or invoicing terms, you may install and Use the Product, within a single building owned or leased by your organization, on a number of Client Devices as permitted by invoicing terms or applicable terms and conditions regarding the Site License set forth in the applicable product invoicing or packaging for the Product. e) Educational Purpose License; Educational Institution Site License; and Non-profit License. If the Product is licensed to you under an Educational Purpose License, Educational Institution Site License or Non-profit Use License upon the terms specified in the applicable invoicing or packaging for the Product, you may make Use of the Product solely for the following purposes, respectively: i. Educational Purpose means that you may make use of the Product solely for non-commercial study or research that is undertaken solely in furtherance of one's education, whether or not completed by a student in pursuit of an educational degree, certificate or diploma and as used by teachers or facilitates teaching of a class, and all administrative staff, faculty and employees, of any college, university, trade school or other school (Educational Institution). Under Educational Institution Site License you may install and Use the Product by a number of users determined by the applicable invoicing terms within one Educational Institution in one geographic location; ii. Non-profit Purpose means any non-commercial activity or research that is undertaken solely in furtherance of one's duties as part of the non-profit organization purposes narrowly interpreted. Educational Purpose License and Non-profit License may be granted exclusively at the discretion of the Licensor upon your submission of a written request discussing your and your employer/employees activities, when applicable, and your reasons for and purposes of Using the Product. 2.2. Updates; Support Services. Licensor will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide you with email support and maintenance services for the Product in accordance with its standard practices (Support Services). Licensor will have no obligation to support any version other than the then current and immediate prior version. You may extend the Support Services, as available, by signing up and paying the appropriate annual subscription and fees to Licensor. Among other benefits of Support Services is that, during the term thereof, you may download free Updates to the Product when and as the Licensor publishes them in its website or through other online services. Support terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary herein, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as to grant you any rights or licenses with regard to the New Releases of the Product or to entitle you to any New Release. This Agreement does not obligate the Licensor to provide any Updates. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Updates that you may receive become part of the Product and the terms of this Agreement apply to them (unless this Agreement is superseded by a further Agreement accompanying such Update or modified version of to the Product). If you are not using a licensed copy of the Product, you are not allowed to install the Updates. 2.3. Multiple Environment Product; Multiple Language Product; Dual Media Product; Multiple Copies; Bundles. If you use different versions of the Product or different language editions of the Product, if you receive the Product on multiple media, if you otherwise receive multiple copies of the Product, or if you received the Product bundled with other software, the total permitted number of your Client Devices on which all versions of the Product are installed shall correspond to the number and types of licenses you have obtained from the Licensor. You may not rent, bundle with other products or materials, lease, sublicense, lend or transfer any versions or copies of the Product regardless of whether you use the Product or not without Licensor's written consent. 2.4. Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement (Term) shall begin when you purchase or otherwise legally obtain the Product until the termination of the Agreement as provided herein. This Agreement may be terminated by a superseding agreement, offered by the Licensor and accepted by you, for the Product, Update or any replacement or modified version of or upgrade or New Release of the Product and conditioning your continued use of the Product or such replacement, modified or upgraded version or New Release on your acceptance of such superseding Agreement. Without prejudice to any other rights, this Agreement will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any of the limitations or other requirements described herein. Upon any termination or expiration of this Agreement, you must immediately cease Use of the Product and permanently destroy and/or delete all copies of the Product. 2.5. No Rights Upon Termination. Upon termination of this Agreement you will no longer be authorized to Use the Product in any way. 2.6. Material Terms and Conditions. You specifically agree that each of the terms and conditions of this Section 2 are material and that failure of you to comply with these terms and conditions shall constitute sufficient cause for Licensor to immediately terminate this Agreement and the License granted under this Agreement. The presence of this Section 2.6 shall not be relevant in determining the materiality of any other provision or breach of this Agreement by either party hereto. 4. DISCLAIMERS. 4.1. Customer Remedies. The Licensor and its suppliers' entire liability and your exclusive remedy for any breach of the foregoing warranty shall be at the Licensor's option: (a) return of the purchase price paid for the license, if any, or (b) correction of the defects, bugs or errors within reasonable period of time. 4.2. NO WARRANTIES. EXCEPT FOR ANY WARRANTY, CONDITION, REPRESENTATION OR TERM TO THE EXTENT TO WHICH THE SAME CANNOT OR MAY NOT BE EXCLUDED OR LIMITED BY LAW APPLICABLE TO YOU IN YOUR JURISDICTION, THE PRODUCT AND SUPPORT SERVICES ARE PROVIDED AS-IS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER AND THE LICENSOR MAKES NO PROMISES, REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WHETHER BY STATUTE, COMMON LAW, CUSTOM, USAGE OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING OR RELATING TO THE PRODUCT OR CONTENT THEREIN OR TO ANY OTHER MATERIAL FURNISHED OR PROVIDED TO YOU PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT OR OTHERWISE. YOU ASSUME ALL RISKS AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR SELECTION OF THE PRODUCT TO ACHIEVE YOUR INTENDED RESULTS, AND FOR THE INSTALLATION OF, USE OF, AND RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THE PRODUCT. THE LICENSOR MAKES NO WARRANTY THAT THE PRODUCT AND SUPPORT SERVICES WILL BE ERROR FREE OR FREE FROM INTERRUPTION OR FAILURE, OR THAT IT IS COMPATIBLE WITH ANY PARTICULAR HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, LICENSOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, INTEGRATION, SATISFACTORY QUALITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT AND THE ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS OR THE USE THEREOF. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. YOU HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE PRODUCT AND SUPPORT SERVICES MAY NOT BE OR BECOME AVAILABLE DUE TO ANY NUMBER OF FACTORS INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION PERIODIC SYSTEM MAINTENANCE, SCHEDULED OR UNSCHEDULED, ACTS OF GOD, TECHNICAL FAILURE OF THE SOFTWARE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE, OR DELAY OR DISRUPTION ATTRIBUTABLE TO VIRUSES, DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACKS, INCREASED OR FLUCTUATING DEMAND, AND ACTIONS AND OMISSIONS OF THIRD PARTIES. THEREFORE, THE LICENSOR EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY REGARDING SYSTEM AND/OR SOFTWARE AVAILABILITY, ACCESSIBILITY, OR PERFORMANCE. THE LICENSOR DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABILITY FOR THE LOSS OF DATA DURING ANY COMMUNICATIONS AND ANY LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO ANY FAILURE BY THE LICENSOR TO TRANSMIT ACCURATE OR COMPLETE INFORMATION TO YOU. 4.3. LIMITED LIABILITY; NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ANY DAMAGE RESULTING FROM YOUR USE OF THE PRODUCT AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN OR COMPILED BY THE PRODUCT, AND THE INTERACTION (OR FAILURE TO INTERACT PROPERLY) WITH ANY OTHER HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE WHETHER PROVIDED BY THE LICENSOR OR A THIRD PARTY. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL THE LICENSOR OR ITS SUPPLIERS OR LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, LOSS OF GOODWILL, WORK STOPPAGE, HARDWARE OR SOFTWARE DISRUPTION IMPAIRMENT OR FAILURE, REPAIR COSTS, COST OF PROCURING SUPPORT SERVICES, TIME VALUE OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, OR THE INCOMPATIBILITY OF THE PRODUCT WITH ANY HARDWARE, SOFTWARE OR USAGE, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT WILL LICENSOR'S TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ALL DAMAGES IN ANY ONE OR MORE CAUSE OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE EXCEED THE LICENSE FEE PAID BY YOU TO LICENSOR. THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY SHALL NOT APPLY TO LIABILITY FOR DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY TO THE EXTENT THAT APPLICABLE LAW PROHIBITS SUCH LIMITATION. FURTHERMORE, BECAUSE SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 2012 iSpring Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. The Product, including the Software and any accompanying Documentation, are copyrighted and protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties.