按下键盘按钮或鼠标键时播放 3D 声音效果。 特点:支持按下按钮时播放动画。 内置12个声音方案 - 打字机,打字机2,战斗,枪,安倍,混合, 分配给所有关键事件的每个方案 支持通过热键切换方案并提供强大的热键编辑器 支持自动播放和预览波形文件 在线升级和易于使用和最酷的界面 键盘隔音器不仅帮助你从手指获得乐趣,它是一个甜蜜的礼物,你所有的朋友和家人。给你的朋友做礼物!
- 版本 1.6 发布于 2008-03-15
在选项面板中通过两种方法添加了自动更改方案 - 版本 1.53 发布于 2007-11-13
修复了一些小错误 - 版本 1.34 发布于 2007-03-28
----------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT ----------------------------------------------------------------- Your use of the Keyboard Sounder is governed by the following conditions. Please read this before you install the program. By using the Keyboard Sounder you are agreeing to the following conditions: The Keyboard Sounder is not freeware. You may install this program to test and evaluate it for 20 days; after that time you must either register to continue using this program or remove the program from your computer. Keyboard Sounder software is copyrighted and may not be modified or included with another product without the express, written permission of AldzSoft. You may not decompile, disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer this product. Your use of the Keyboard Sounder is at your own risk. AldzSoft shall not be held liable for consequential,special, indirect or other similar damages or claims,including loss of profits or any other commercial damages. AldzSoft specifically disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness to a particular purpose. Your use of this software constitutes your acknowledgement and acceptance of these conditions. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (c) 2003, AldzSoft. All Rights Reserved. http://www.aldzsoft.com