King of the Stars 5.01

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法国索永斯(2009年1月1日) - 法国软件编辑DELEMME带给所有,家庭和专业人士:明星之王是亲和乐趣。 试试看,享受它,发现占星术的兴趣! 本欧洲标准最后以英语版本提供。 "星空之王,唯一涉及西方和中国占星学的节目! "星王"是PRO:它已被开发为专业占星家,并极大地帮助他们。 主要的法国和越南占星家以及计算机专家都曾从事过该项目。 但它也是伟大的乐趣:\quot;绘制你的图表或你最喜欢的明星的图表,做它们之间的兼容性测试,找到谁与你顺利...以相同和流畅的方式学习占星术! "一切都写:读它与星星之王!""占星术是有帮助的,对他人和我们自己,很多人同意这一点...但看起来如此复杂,如此神秘... 有一个可靠的,廉价和强大的软件... 现在没有更多的借口:点击,输入一个日期,咯咯,你会得到一个惊人的文件,完整和美丽。"你可以免费试用!": 象征占星术的明星并不适合所有人... 德莱姆的座右铭是明确的: 那些不会访问http://www.delemme.com不值得乌拉尼亚, 占星术缪斯的好处! 此站点上提供了大量信息,例如纳塔尔分析(例如萨达姆·侯赛因的图表)示例。 您也可以在一个[email protected]


  • 版本 A5.01 发布于 2009-01-01
    中国占星术, 预测, 纳塔尔分析



Your attention please. Read carefully the following terms before using KING OF THE STARS This software is made of a text library and of astrological computing/interpreting modules. All of these parts are protected by Copyright Laws. LICENCE FOR USE. This agreement allows you to: - use the Basic Kernel, which is FREE. This kernel allows you to compute and print any astrological chart and to manage the Data Base. Please register (it''s FREE), you''ll benefit from a lot of services (free updates, information on our products...) - use the other modules if you have paid them (you can try them before ordering): - Natal Analysis - Search Functions - Forecasts - Graphical Server - Chinese Module Cf. This agreement forbids you to: - rent this software to anybody. - use this software or part of it inside another program. - use this software inside a network server. - sell the generated documents without our authorization. Responsability limits: - DELEMME Diffusion has checked that the support of this software is fault-free when used normally. This support has been tested against every known virus. - It is perfectly clear that Astrology remains a hobby and that the generated analyses give no life recommendations. These analyses should thus not been taken seriously and DELEMME Diffusion will not be considered responsible for all conclusions drawn from them. - YOU declare you assume every risk related to the execution of this software. All drawbacks, direct or indirect, money losses or any other damage which can result from the use of KING OF THE STARS cannot be charged against DELEMME Diffusion. You declare you have read, understood and accepted this agreement. You also declare that this agreement is representative of our mutual position, that it cancels and replaces all previous proposals or contracts, oral or written.