Laser Squad Nemesis 3.10

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来自 X-Com 系列创作者的屡获殊荣的策略游戏。玩海洋,马奇纳,生成或灰色运动对一个狡猾的AI对手,或玩在线对抗人类对手在竞争和锦标赛与超过100地图可供选择。 激光小队复仇者是一个小队水平,未来派的战争游戏,每个球员控制10至30个个人单位。独特的游戏系统是基于回合和实时流派的混合,允许玩家精细控制和通过视频风格的播放审查游戏的能力。每个回合包括10秒的实时行动,玩家需要计划并发布命令给他们的部队。命令选项包括机会射击、交战规则和各种特殊单位能力。有一个精确的"视线"系统,地形是可破坏的,具有交互式功能,如可上锁的门,力场和电源单元。 游戏有四场比赛。激光海军陆战队是人类最后的希望。他们装备有强大的武器,一旦组织成小小队,他们是一支灵活的战斗力量。马奇纳是一个有知觉的机器人种族,最初是由人类建造的,以保护他们免受产卵的威胁。他们拥有重型装甲部队、导弹坦克和盘旋的猎人。产卵是一个贪婪的外星种族与产卵皇后, 近距离攻击无人机和古斯皮特斯。灰色是一个古老的种族,自人类最早的进化以来一直关注着人类。他们开发了先进的技术,包括传送器、遮罩护罩和心控 Psyker 单元。 您可以参加在线锦标赛和比赛,其中一些会获得奖品。有一个活跃的玩家社区,帮助运行锦标赛,并使用内置的地图编辑器为游戏创建地图。玩家受益于频繁的更新和游戏的添加。


  • 版本 3.10 发布于 2006-06-21



LASER SQUAD NEMESIS - FREE TRIAL VERSION 1. OWNERSHIP Title to the Laser Squad Nemesis software and copyrights remain solely and exclusively with Julian Gollop and Nick Gollop ("the Authors"). The Software is protected by English law and other applicable laws and by international treaty provisions. 2. DISCLAIMERS Any use of the Laser Squad Nemesis ("LSN") software is at your sole risk. The authors give no warranty or guarantee as to the content, functionality or compatibility of the LSN software and there are no warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or law with respect to the LSN software and your use of it. Downloading the LSN Software shall be done entirely at your own risk and you shall be solely responsible for any damage to your computer, loss of data or other loss that results from downloading. The authors do not pre-screen messages contained in the game turn file messages and therefore to the extent permitted by law you waive all rights that you may have against us in relation to the content of any such message including your reliance thereon. 3. TERMS OF USE The Free Trial version of LSN may be distributed freely, or included on magazine cover discs without requiring any special permission from the authors. The LSN software may only be used to send and receive game information to and from the LSN game servers maintained by the authors. The service provided by authors may be altered or modified at their discretion.