Live Cricket Streaming 9.21

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‎用户评分: 2.3/5 - ‎341 ‎评分

板球是一项有趣和有趣的运动观看。美国没有转播很多板球比赛。一般来说,人们可能会在ESPN上赶上本赛季的最后一场比赛,但周六和周日充满了曲棍球,足球和高尔夫在美国。对于其他国家来说,像英国这样的国内比赛可能,但印度和巴基斯坦之间的比赛可能会有点困难。 实时板球流是您所有板球需求的答案。它是作为电视软件选项的一部分开发的软件。您不仅获得10个免费频道的现场板球流与软件,你也有超过4500个不同的电视频道探索的节目,从60年代到现在。也许你想看一部新电影?嗯,你可以通过这个软件程序得到。实时板球流肯定是您来自世界各地的任何亮点、分数、更新签入和完整游戏的最佳选择。该软件程序使连接到不同的频道,这是全高清广播。 软件是100%免费。你不需要支付任何费用,只需访问所有10个频道加上4500其他免费。任何时候有更新的渠道有没有额外的成本,以及。你现在可以有100%免费互联网没有任何问题。它很简单,把你的PC和互联网服务,并结合它与软件-现场板球软件。游戏可以在屏幕上以常规或全屏模式展示。与全高清绝对没有什么可错过的,因为你正在看比赛。会像你在那里一样。如果您需要暂停或录制到移动设备供以后使用,则所有操作都是可能的。手机和其他移动设备有移动可播放的格式。它很容易跟上板球界的顶级超级巨星。让实时板球流是答案,跟上你最喜欢的运动,因为它是如此容易下载和开始流。


  • 版本 9.21 发布于 2015-01-28
    微软 Windows 7 兼容性修复



Live Cricket Streaming SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT This license is protected by copyright law and applicable to all users of this software. Users remain solely responsible for any and all actions, in result from a breach or non-compliance of this software usage agreement. This license supersedes any other agreements, oral or written, and may not be changed without an express or written agreement. ACCEPTANCE By downloading and/or installing this software, users agree to the terms and agreements set forth in this licensing agreement. RESTRICTIONS The user may not assign, decompile, disassemble, lease, merge, modify, rent, reverse engineer, share, sub-license, or transfer this software with any part of software from another program. DISCLAIMER This software is provided "as-is" without any type of expressed or written warranty of any kind. Users may not and will not hold us responsible from and against any claims or lawsuits, including but not limited to legal fees, that may arise or result from the use, distribution, or reproduction of this software, including incidental or consequential damages that may apply. Any liability will be limited to product replacement or refund of original purchase price. Users assume any and all risk incorporated from downloading, installing, and using this software. TERMINATION This license shall terminate if any users fail to comply with the licensing agreement set forth, and users agree to destroy any and all copies of this software upon termination, and in accordance with law.