Logan's fight 3.50

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在2010年外星人开始入侵地球。欧洲在优越的外星人技术力量下倒下了, 现在的目标是美国。在完全摧毁城镇之前, 只有两个人成功逃脱, 其中一个是: 洛根, 职业: 穆贾迪恩。他必须深入亚马逊丛林,找到一个外星人的宇宙飞船,可以移动到主板宇宙飞船谁是围绕地球的轨道。在这艘船上,洛根需要找到一个外星领袖,为了拯救地球而杀死他,但这并不容易。之后,他被摧毁了船上的一切呼吸,他被跳上了远距离的外星人船,直接流到外星人母亲星球ZOROX,在那里外星人领袖生活并控制着地球攻击的整个操作。在这个星球上是另一个奇迹的故事。你想和洛根一起拯救地球吗?


  • 版本 3.50 发布于 2007-05-09
    更正了 DirectX 显示错误



SAMIR ALICEHAJIC - SOFTWARES LICENSING AGREEMENT Logan's fight software - Owner and author Samir Alicehajic(Padovceva 9, Zagreb, Croatia) Read this agreement to be entered into by you "Recipient" and Samir Alicehajic in its entirety. Installation and/or use of this Software Shareware Product "Shareware" is contingent on your acceptance of the following terms. If you do not agree to he following terms, you may not install and/or use this product. If you proceed with the installation and/or use of this product, you are affirming that you have read and understood this agreement and that you agree to be bound by it. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE TO USE Shareware Recipient is hereby granted a limited, non-exclusive, nontransferable, royalty-free license to use the Shareware without charge for an unlimited period of time. 2. GRANT OF LICENSE TO DUPLICATE AND DISTRIBUTE Shareware Recipient is hereby granted a limited, non-exclusive, nontransferable, royalty-free license to duplicate and distribute the Shareware, subject to the following conditions: that all copies distributed by Recipient be "exact copies" of an original Shareware supplied Samir Alicehajic(Agnatemoslem.net), that there be no charge or request for donations for any Shareware distributed by Recipient. 3. LIMITATIONS ON LICENSE All other rights not specifically granted under the previous sections of this Agreementare reserved to Samir Alicehajic. Samir Alicehajic shall retain title and all ownership rights to the Shareware. Recipient may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or modify in any way the Shareware, or take steps of any kind to change the software. 5. PRODUCT MAINTENANCE Samir Alicehajic is not obligated to provide maintenance or updates of the Shareware to Recipient. However, any maintenance or updates provided by Samir Alicehajic shall be covered by this Agreement. 6. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY Shareware IS DEEMED ACCEPTED BY RECIPIENT. Shareware IS PROVIDED AS IS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, Samir Alicehajic FURTHER DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE Shareware REMAINS WITH RECIPIENT. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL Samir Alicehajic BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR OTHER DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT OR THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE Shareware, EVEN IF Samir Alicehajic HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 7. SEVERABILITY If, but only to the extent that, any provision of this Agreement is declared or found to be illegal, unenforceable or void, then both parties shall be relieved of all obligations arising under such provision, it being the intent and agreement of the parties that this Agreement shall be deemed amended by modifying such provision to the extent necessary to make it legal and enforceable while preserving its intent. If such amendment is not possible, another provision that is legal and enforceable and achieves the same objective shall be substituted therefor. If the remainder of this Agreement is not affected by such declaration or finding and is capable of substantial performance by both parties, then the remainder shall be enforced to the extent permitted by law. 8. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive agreement between Samir Alicehajic and Recipient with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior oral or written understandings, communications or agreements not specifically incorporated herein. This Agreement may not be modified except in a writing duly signed by an authorized representative of Samir Alicehajic and Recipient.