Lotus Notes Templates 1.00

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像所有运行良好的项目一样,成功的Lotus Notes项目需要遵循良好的软件工程实践。尽管您可能找到了用于通用项目的工具,但 Lotus Notes 项目是不同的,并且很难获得基于良好软件工程实践的开发工具。方法 A 已决定通过提供自己经过验证的 Lotus Notes 项目包来堵塞整个产品,以进行 "歌曲"。它包括您需要通过测试启动项目所需的一切。 Lotus Notes 包提供了定义 Lotus Notes 项目所需的一切。它包括用于项目启动、分析和系统设计和测试的模板。它甚至为您提供一个模板,用于短期莲花笔记项目。 此包包括以下四个易于使用的模板,专为 Lotus Notes 项目设计: 1) Lotus Notes 启动文档:初始规划和设计所需的高级别问题,以及能够区分"去"和"不走"的非常重要的管理相关信息 2) 莲花笔记系统文档:专为莲花笔记系统制作的功能和细节设计组件 3) 莲花笔记测试文档:涵盖莲花笔记环境的测试规划和执行 4) 短期开发项目的 Lotus Notes 系统文档:专为开发时间长达一周的项目而设计


  • 版本 1.00 发布于 2011-01-18



Copyright and Intellectual Property The right to use MethodA in whole or part is per licensed workstation. A licensed workstation is a computer terminal (client) in legal possession of a MethodA template, CD, or connected to the network of an organization that possesses a network-level license, or one connected to the central MethodA website (www.methoda.com) after proper identification as a licensed user. The right to use a licensed workstation includes all usage for fulfilling the user''s duties in the organization to which the user, for purposes of the license, belongs. The Product is not to be transferred, in whole or part, in any form whatever, to any other (unlicensed) recipient. With respect to copyright and licensing, there is no difference between the governmental and non-governmental sectors. Warranty THE TEMPLATES AND PACKAGES ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS AND ALL RISK LIES WITH YOU. METHODA MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER. IN NO EVENT SHALL METHODA OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES!