登录您的电脑,无需触摸任何东西!卢克桑德闪烁!是一个免费的工具,让你登录到你的Windows帐户,只需查看一个摄像头 - 没有密码键入,没有手指扫描。Luxand 开发的创新人脸识别技术可快速可靠地识别用户面部,即使在完全消除误报的同时,也能将用户与关联帐户匹配,即使具有不同的发型、胡须或胡子。也可以完全消除误报。 该技术实施的真正创新是能够识别注册用户,无论什么。不同的照明条件,眼镜或接触,胡子生长和剃光,化妆或染发不会混淆闪烁!基于 Luxand 开发并应用于全球各个行业的著名人脸识别技术,新的登录系统大大简化了日常生活,无需触摸 PC 登录。 使用闪烁!也有助于提高家中和办公室的计算机安全性!免费产品可以拍摄、记录和时间戳每个用户谁登录到 PC 在他们的脸识别或其他,确保没有密码泄露给未经授权的个人。如果有,您会确切地知道哪个密码被泄露了,以及谁利用了它。 基于面部的生物识别功能是最不显眼的,最快和最简单的使用。它还有助于保护办公室的工作站的安全。员工不再需要使用黄色贴纸来记住他们的密码!面登录将完美地补充您的公司安全策略,提供很少的误报和几乎不可能的误报识别的好处。眨眼!完全免费供个人使用 - 立即下载您的副本, 在一个星期内, 您将无法想象你的生活之前。
- 版本 2.4 发布于 2012-02-08
提高人脸识别质量和速度 - 版本 1.0_RC 发布于 2009-10-27
- 软件分类: 安全和隐私 > 访问控制
- 发布者: Luxand Development
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $29.95
- 版本: 2.4
- 适用平台: windows
All copyrights to Luxand Blink! are exclusively owned by the company - Luxand, Inc. Luxand, Inc. hereby grants you a non-exclusive, transferable license to use its software product and accompanying documentationon the following terms and only for non-commercial purposes. Luxand Blink! may be freely distributed, provided the distribution package is not modified, without written permission from the copyright holder. You may not clone, rent, lease, sell, modify the software. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. This Agreement will remain in effect for 1 year following the download of the Software. At the end of this period, delete or destroy your copy of the software and obtain a new copy from Luxand, Inc. LUXAND BLINK! IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. Installing and using Luxand Blink! signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove Luxand Blink! files from your storage devices and cease to use the software. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.