宏 IDE 是一个强大的开发平台,基于 ActiveX 脚本,用于快速自定义富客户端桌面应用程序并将它们与现有系统集成。它使客户能够自定义其软件并满足特定的业务流程,而不是从头开始构建解决方案。这有助于节省时间和金钱并降低风险。 宏 IDE 包括支持创建自定义对话框和 ActiveX 控制,用于快速构建用户界面。集成开发环境具有快速、过程间性能以及无需使用其他工具即可构建解决方案的能力。包含宏 IDE 的程序可以根据特定的业务需求进行定制。此类应用程序使开发人员能够快速构建需要较少最终用户培训的解决方案。 宏 IDE 可帮助您: - 使应用程序更易于维护; - 创建功能并自动化流程; - 创建和操作对象; - 重用代码,加快开发周期; - 降低成本,提高生产力 和更多。 宏 IDE 提供: - 轻松集成到任何应用程序中; - VBScript、JScript、PerlScript 和 Python 语言,用于宏; - 带语法检查、颜色编码语法和支持代码拖放的电源编辑器; - 用于即时语法参考和对象模型帮助的 IntelliSense 功能,可缩短编程时间; - 模态和无模式对话框; - 功能强大的表单设计器,内置 ActiveX 控件; - ActiveX 控件属性的属性窗口 和更多。
- 版本 1.8 发布于 2006-03-11
NO WARRANTY MACROS IDE IS SOLD "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY AS TO MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. Evaluation and Registration Macros IDE is free for using as a part of any application that embeds it. If you wish to embed IDE into your applications or distribute it as a part of your application you must buy Developer License (one Developer License per one application that embeds IDE). Distribution of the evaluation version You may copy the evaluation version of this software and documentation as you wish, and give exact copies of the original evaluation version to anyone, and distribute the evaluation version of the software and documentation in its unmodified form via electronic means. But you should not charge or requesting donations for any such copies however made and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products without the authors written permission. Registered version Developer License allows you to embed Macros IDE into your application and then distribute it as a part of your software without any restrictions.