Magic 360 2.0

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 4.66 MB
‎用户评分: 2.1/5 - ‎24 ‎评分

还记得网站图片是静态的,没有生命的那些日子吗?不再! Magic 360 通过旋转图像以 360 度从各个角度显示图像,将图像带入生活。客户可以查看您产品的每个部分,就像他们在实际持有产品的商店一样。 Magic 360 通过将大量图像合并到交互式图像中来为此而为此而提供。您可以使用任何数量的图像 - 大多数领先的电子商务网站使用 18、36 或 72 张照片。 用户甚至可以通过单击每个图像来放大它,显示高分辨率特写。谈论看到每一个细节! 与其他360旋转脚本不同,Magic 360适用于任何地方:iPad,iPhone大多数Android设备和所有主要浏览器。这是因为它是一个360 JavaScript旋转 - 它不使用Flash,所以所有的用户可以享受你的360度旋转。无论是使用手机、平板电脑还是使用计算机移动,JavaScript 都支持所有设备。 用户可以在悬停、拖动或鼠标轮上旋转。您甚至可以将图像设置为在页面加载时自动旋转一次、两次或无限。其他设置也可以更改 - 速度、按钮、加载图标、放大镜等。 需要灵感?查看我们网站上超过 15 个示例,或使用向导选择您理想的 360 产品旋转设置。 为了获得最大冲击力,请使用清晰明了的图像。要么自己拍照片,要么雇一个专业的 360 摄影工作室来为你做。 一套36张照片只需50-100美元。难怪领先的零售商将 360 摄影作为 2012 年最重要的用户体验改进。 如果您想提供摄影报价,请给我们发电子邮件。 Magic 360 易于安装,只需 4 个简单步骤。由于该向导,您甚至不需要编写任何代码。如果您需要帮助,请随时发送电子邮件至我们的技术支持团队。 立即下载免费试用版,看看它让您的网站感觉多么令人印象深刻。 另一个真棒工具从魔术工具箱的设计组。



License Agreement Magic 360 is protected by copyright. By using Magic 360, you confirm that you have read and agreed to the appropriate license agreement below. 1. You may use the product on commercial websites by purchasing a commercial license. A commercial website means: 1.1 any site which is built, owned or maintained by a profit-making person or organisation, even if the site does not generate revenue; 1.2 any site which generates revenue, even if it is otherwise non-commercial; 1.3 any government, government-agency or political-party websites. 2. You may use the product on non-commercial websites free of charge subject to the terms of this license. A non-commercial website means: 2.1 personal or hobby sites which generate no revenue (whether from advertising, commissions, sales or any other source); 2.2 websites owned and maintained by charitable or not-for-profit organisations; 2.3 websites owned and maintained by a school, college or other educational institution. 3. You must choose the appropriate commercial license for your needs: * Single license - for use on 1 website only. * 5 site license - for use on up to 5 websites. * 10 site license - for use on up to 10 websites. * Unlimited license - for use on as many websites as you manage (ideal for web design agencies or businesses with many websites). * Bundlable license - an Unlimited license with the added benefit that it may be integrated into another application (subject to approval). 4. The term "website" means a single website of a single person or organisation. (In most cases, that would be a single domain, although there could feasibly be multiple websites on a single domain e.g. through the use of subdomains). The website could be your own or a website you build/maintain for someone else. 5. You may not sell, redistribute or offer for download any of our products in any form or in any medium, whether original or modified or for profit or not. 6. You agree not to alter, remove or decode any of the source code without explicit written permission from Magic Toolbox. 7. You can not agree to these terms on behalf of a third-party - if your own interest in the site is in any way commercial (for example, a freelancer being paid to build it) then a commercial license is always required, even if the site is for a non-commercial organisation. 8. You agree not to use the product on illegal sites, or on pages which contain illegal material. 9. The terms of this agreement shall be governed by English law, therefore you may not use the product at all in jurisdictions where this agreement is itself illegal, or where you are not empowered to enter into such an agreement. 10. You guarantee not to hold Magic Toolbox responsible for any problems you may encounter, whether directly or indirectly caused by your use of any of our products.