Magic Magnify Plus 2.0

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 532.48 KB
‎用户评分: 4.5/5 - ‎8 ‎评分

我们有适合你的缩放工具!有五种不同的工具可供选择:有些使用闪存;其他具有 JavaScript 的;和所有真棒... 魔术放大加实际上是2个工具在1 - 不仅可以通过悬停在每个图像上放大你的产品,你也可以通过点击它放大图像。 不要担心 - 你不需要任何JavaScript或Flash知识来添加这个放大和放大工具到您的网站。它的设计,所以字面上任何人都可以安装在他们的网站上,只需5分钟。我们支持传奇的技术支持和100%的回款保证。 如果您不想使用 Flash,请选择我们的其他工具之一,如魔术变焦加或魔术拇指。他们使用 JavaScript, 所以他们在 ipad 、 iphone 和 Android 设备以及所有浏览器上工作得很漂亮。 使用魔术放大功能,用户可直观地将鼠标悬停在图像上以放大图像或单击以放大图像。他们还可以使用鼠标滚轮平稳地控制放大镜的大小。 我们知道每个人都有不同的设计想法,所以魔术放大加可以定制在一切方式,以适应您的网站的风格。 更重要的是,它真的很简单的安装。只需 5 分钟,您就可以以您以前梦寐以求的方式显示图像。 魔术放大加是兼容所有主要浏览器。我们提到过 100% 的钱回来保证吗? 因此,立即下载免费试用,看看它让您的网站感觉多么令人印象深刻。 需要帮助?我们友好的技术支持团队随时待命,随时回答任何问题。 另一个真棒工具从魔术工具箱的设计组。



License Agreement Magic Magnify Plus is protected by copyright. By using Magic Magnify Plus, you confirm that you have read and agreed to the appropriate license agreement below. 1. You may use the product on commercial websites by purchasing a commercial license. A commercial website means: 1.1 any site which is built, owned or maintained by a profit-making person or organisation, even if the site does not generate revenue; 1.2 any site which generates revenue, even if it is otherwise non-commercial; 1.3 any government, government-agency or political-party websites. 2. You may use the product on non-commercial websites free of charge subject to the terms of this license. A non-commercial website means: 2.1 personal or hobby sites which generate no revenue (whether from advertising, commissions, sales or any other source); 2.2 websites owned and maintained by charitable or not-for-profit organisations; 2.3 websites owned and maintained by a school, college or other educational institution. 3. You must choose the appropriate commercial license for your needs: * Single license - for use on 1 website only. * 5 site license - for use on up to 5 websites. * 10 site license - for use on up to 10 websites. * Unlimited license - for use on as many websites as you manage (ideal for web design agencies or businesses with many websites). * Bundlable license - an Unlimited license with the added benefit that it may be integrated into another application (subject to approval). 4. The term "website" means a single website of a single person or organisation. (In most cases, that would be a single domain, although there could feasibly be multiple websites on a single domain e.g. through the use of subdomains). The website could be your own or a website you build/maintain for someone else. 5. You may not sell, redistribute or offer for download any of our products in any form or in any medium, whether original or modified or for profit or not. 6. You agree not to alter, remove or decode any of the source code without explicit written permission from Magic Toolbox. 7. You can not agree to these terms on behalf of a third-party - if your own interest in the site is in any way commercial (for example, a freelancer being paid to build it) then a commercial license is always required, even if the site is for a non-commercial organisation. 8. You agree not to use the product on illegal sites, or on pages which contain illegal material. 9. The terms of this agreement shall be governed by English law, therefore you may not use the product at all in jurisdictions where this agreement is itself illegal, or where you are not empowered to enter into such an agreement. 10. You guarantee not to hold Magic Toolbox responsible for any problems you may encounter, whether directly or indirectly caused by your use of any of our products.