Magic Particles (Dev) 2.23

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‎用户评分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎评分

魔法粒子是强大的FX编辑器 + 粒子引擎。 目前超过 50 个游戏使用魔术粒子技术: 魔术粒子允许您创建各种特殊效果轻松和快速与实时反馈。很多特效的样品都是用程序送的。您可以希望使用这些示例,也可以创建自己的特效。 粒子引擎是跨平台解决方案,使用特殊效果装饰您的游戏。有 Api 的 Windows, Mac Os, ios, Android, Windows 手机 8, Windows 8 / Rt, Flascc, 果酱 Sdk 。API 不使用任何外部函数,但长期使用C++标准函数。这就是为什么库本身没有绘制任何内容,但它会返回允许用户使用的所有信息,从而可以绘制特殊效果。这样一种方式允许将 API 与操作系统和图形引擎分开。即相同的库魔力.dll用于 Windows 下的任何图形引擎。此外,还有允许将 API 集成到用户引擎的包装器。包装器是一个示例,它有自己的手动和开放源代码。粒子的绘制由包装器执行。 有用于 DirectX (Windows, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8), Opengl (Windows, Mac Os, ios, Android), 果酱 SDK, Cocos2dx, Hge, Popcap, 游乐场的包装器: 魔法粒子 (Dev) 仅适用于 2D。但有魔术粒子3D(开发)为3D。 燃烧的文字,飞彗星,烟花,暴风雪和五颜六色的雾 - 所有这些(和许多其他! 一个非常有用的功能 - 任何文本的快速动画。你可以写任何单词,特殊效果将应用于你的文本。 魔术粒子支持许多图形格式来保存结果。



Magic Particles (Dev) ============================== SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT ============================== LICENSE: * Magic Particles (Dev) is shareware. You may install this program to test and evaluate for 30 days; after that time you MUST either register this program or delete it from your computer hard drive and other storage devices. * All copyrights to Magic Particles (Dev) are exclusively owned by the developer - Astralax. * You may not alter this software in any way; you may not use or distribute any part of the original package. Also you are not allowed to emulate, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer any executable part of original package. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. * Magic Particles (Dev) IS DISTRIBUTED ON THE "AS IS" BASIS. NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE DEVELOPER WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. * You may make as many copies of the SHAREWARE version of this distribution package as you wish; you may give exact copies of the original SHAREWARE version of this distribution package; distribute the SHAREWARE version of this distribution package in its unmodified form via electronic means. There is no charge for any of the above. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of Magic Particles (Dev) without written permission from all of the copyright holders. If you want to distribute Magic Particles (Dev) in a retail location, or as part of a hardware or software bundle, or on CD-ROM you must get PRIOR signed written permission from Astralax. Astralax reserves its right to withhold permission. * Installing and using Magic Particles (Dev) signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove Magic Particles (Dev) files from your storage devices and cease to use the product. * Magic Particles (Dev) is visual editor allowing to create special effects. Commercial API is a part of the program that requires licensing for using in commercial projects. There are API versions for Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android, Windows 8 / RT, Windows Phone 8 and Marmalade SDK. Purchasing of any API version allows to use Magic Particles (Dev) for creating special effects in the project for which API was bought. Detailed information about the conditions of API licesing is available on site WWW: E-mail: [email protected] Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Astralax. All Rights Reserved.