Magical Ball 1.0.2

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 1.73 MB
‎用户评分: 4.4/5 - ‎5 ‎评分

通过一次移动一个球来排列一条线中的相同颜色的球。当4个或更多球排列在一条线上,这些球消失,你的分数将增加。很少有双色和多色球使它更有趣。每当你移动一个球三个新的球被添加。 如果你连续清除球,你的分数也将成倍增加。 有4种不同的板大小和多达9种不同的颜色球。


  • 版本 1.0.2 发布于 2003-12-29



TRIAL VERSION ----------------------- If you accepts the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT, You have certain rights and obligations as follows: YOU MAY: 1. Install and use an unlimited number of copies the TRIAL VERSION. 2. Use one or more copies of the TRIAL VERSION for evaluation purpose only. 3. Copy and distribute freely the TRIAL VERSION (See 'DISTRIBUTION'). YOU MAY NOT: 1. Sublicense, rent or lease the TRIAL VERSION or any portion of it. 2. Decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or modify the TRIAL VERSION or any portion of it. 3. Use the TRIAL VERSION after your trial limit of 4000 moves