MAPILab Reports 2.0

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提供有关企业 IT 基础结构状态、安全审核、硬件和软件清单以及迁移和升级准备的报告的解决方案。该产品的历史和统计报告可以清楚地提出和评估基础设施的变化,以便做出准确的预测和相关发展计划。特点:无代理数据收集、交互式报告、简单实现、可更改报表设计、自动数据收集和报表创建。报告包 1。网络基础结构活动目录对象的报告包:域控制器、AD 林、组织单位、用户(帐户、列表、活动级别)和用户组(成员组、嵌套、属性)、计算机、打印机、组和本地策略。本地计算机资源和网络资源:硬件、操作系统和更新、环境配置、已安装的软件、服务、事件日志、共享资源、打印机和计划任务。安全性:未受保护的对象、访问权限、远程访问、域和本地安全策略、组中的用户成员身份。2. Microsoft Exchange 服务器服务器及其流量的报告包:配置、连接器、交货时间、内部/外部流量、服务器间流量、连接器流量。消息:存储大小和增长趋势、框和文件夹的数量和数量、邮件流速、发送方/接收者、用户之间的流量、用户组和部门等。邮箱和公用文件夹:属性、权限、大小、位置、配额、元素的类型和大小。发件人/接收者:地址、组、通讯组列表、活动级别。Outlook Web 访问:用户、会话、设置。下载 30 天试用版。


  • 版本 2.0 发布于 2009-03-11



End user license agreement This license agreement is concluded between MAPILab Ltd. (hereinafter Mapilab) and you (the collective user, an authorized representative of a commercial or government organization or private person). Installation and usage of the software product MAPILab Reports (hereinafter the Product) by you, including user programs and report packs, indicates your acceptance of all points of the license agreement set forth below. If you do not agree with the proposed agreement, then you are obligated to refuse installing and using the Product. 1. Terms used in this Agreement User Program - includes MAPILab Reports console, report viewer, report designer, visual scheme editor, utilities for servicing the product’s database and other maintenance utilities. Execution environment – physical or virtual environment in which an operating system runs. Date collection server – the environment in which the Product is installed in a configuration that allows the collection of data in a database and allows the creation of reports. Operator workplace – the execution environment in which the product is installed in a configuration that allows only the creation of reports and does not allow data collection. Instance of Microsoft Exchange Server – the execution environment in which the deployment of components and / or services of Microsoft Exchange Server has been completed. In the case of a cluster, each node of the cluster is a separate instance. Workplace in an organization – the complete set of user accounts in Active Directory and computer accounts in Active Directory. Data collection area – by default, the entire forest of domains within Active Directory; may be limited by domain and / or organizational unit. Total number of workplaces in an organization – this number is determined by the maximum number of user accounts or computers in Active Directory in the data collection area. This number does not include disabled users and computers, predetermined and well-known service accounts (such as Administrator, Guest). Physical and virtual computers are included, regardless of their role (workstation, domain controller, server, etc.). 2. Rights to the Product 2.1. All rights to the belong to Mapilab and and they are protected by the copyright laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and by international treaties. This product is not sold, this product is licensed. 2.2. This license agreement gives you a nonexclusive right to use the product with the limitations specified in this agreement. 2.3. This license to use the Product may not be resold or transferred to third parties or rented without the written permission of copyright holders. 2.4. The license does not grant the right to modify, decompile, disassembly, and cloning of the Product, except in, and within the limits of, cases when such actions are expressly authorized by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 2.5. Mapilab reserves all rights that are not clearly indicated in the license. 3. Licensing terms for Product 3.1. User programs, included in the Product, is licensed only in conjunction with report packs, without additional charge, and subject to the restrictions specified in section 4. 3.2. The report pack for Microsoft Exchange Server is licensed according to the following principle: the number of licenses must match the number of instances of Microsoft Exchange Server, from which the product collects data. Each instance requires a unique registration key which is issued when you purchase a license. 3.3. The report pack for network infrastructure is licensed according to the following principle: the number of licenses should not be less than the total number of workplaces in the organization. Licenses are sold as packages of licenses, a minimum package includes licenses for 50 workplaces. One registration key is issued upon the purchase of each package of licenses. 4. Additional restrictions on the licensing of the Product Regardless of the number of licenses purchased for report packs and regardless of the number of licensed report packs, the right to install and use the product (custom programs and licensed report packs) is provide for a single data collection server and on a maximum of ten operator workplaces. These restrictions may be negotiated and modified in supplementary agreements to the contract. 5. Test license and a trial period 5.1. If you install the product without the purchase of a license, Mapilab provides you a one-time, 30-day trial license to test the product and all its functions. 5.2. This agreement presupposes that you have used the product and used the test license with the intent to acquire a license for the Product after a successful test. Mapilab may contact you to discuss the progress of the testing of the product and the obtaining of a license. 5.3. After the expiration of the test license, you must purchase a license for the Product or stop using it and delete all installed copies of the Product. 6. Disclaimer 6.1. Mapilab is not responsible for any loss of profit, or for any other damages arising from use or misuse of the Product. The Product is used at your own risk. 6.2. Mapilab is not responsible if the Product ceases to function due to changes in your IT-infrastructure. 6.3. The Product can collect data that are private under the laws of your country. When purchasing the Product, you must be sure that the Product does not violate the laws of your country or the rights of its citizens. 7. Confidential information 7.1. Any log files of the Product, access credentials, and other information about your infrastructure, which has been given to Mapilab by you shall be deemed confidential information. 7.2. If not specifically stated otherwise, Mapilab has the right to send confidential information to its authorized representatives, and to transfer such information outside of your country. 7.3. Mapilab is obligated not to keep your confidential information more than two years and to take all reasonable steps to protect it. 7.4. The fact that you acquire a license or licenses for the Product is not considered confidential information, unless otherwise stated, and may be mentioned on the Product web sites and in marketing materials. 8. Refunds 8.1. For testing of the Product, a free test license is granted, according to Section 5. Failure on your side to test the Product before buying it can not serve as grounds for a refund. 8.2. To obtain a refund it is necessary, but not sufficient in itself, to provide Mapilab, in any convenient manner, a letter of request outlining the reasons why you want to have funds returned for the Product. 8.3. You are obligated to assist employees of Mapilab in the researching of the stated reason(s) for a refund and its (their) resolution in a timely manner, for up to 45 days from the reception of your letter. 9. Technical support and Product updates 9.1. The price of the license for the product includes the cost of technical support and product updates for ONE year from the date of the acquisition of the license. After the expiration of this period, you can continue to use your version of the Product without any limitations, purchase a subscription for technical support and Product upgrades, or purchase a new version of the Product as it becomes available. 9.2. You must have a competent technical staff to deploy and service the product and contact the technical support service. 9.3. All requests for technical support must be made through the online support system on the site of the Product ( Violation of the terms of this License Agreement shall result in the automatic termination of the license to use the Product and could result in administrative and / or criminal prosecution.