生病和厌倦了刺激性广告弹出窗口?讨厌被垃圾邮件\quot;那样吗?想要安全地上网?需要一些东西来杀死弹出窗口吗? MD2弹出窗口拦截器是一个伟大的免费实用程序,由我们提供,包括绝对没有间谍,特洛伊木马或任何其他形式的恶意软件。您可以信心下载。 在这个现代电信世界中,导航互联网既是一种乐趣,也是一种教育。弹出窗口已经成为许多网站的"功能",用于广告,并且真的会破坏个人冲浪的乐趣。有些网站甚至会充斥计算机的屏幕,导致 5 个或更多框同时打开。 我们开发了一个小型和整洁的软件解决方案,以阻止弹出框不断出现。当您冲浪时,您会注意到,在屏幕的左上角,有一个计数器,指示已停止多少个弹出窗口。 所以,为什么不下载我们的免费弹出窗口拦截器现在,并享受网络的好处和平没有所有不必要的广告的麻烦。 非常容易使用 - MD2 弹出窗口拦截器不需要任何配置。只需双击图标,您的浏览器启动与保护。弹出窗口将被阻止。要暂时删除保护(例如,您的银行网站等),只需按 CTRL-N。 易于安装 - 它是如此简单!无需安装。只需将文件放在任何位置(例如,在桌面上),然后双击它。
- 版本 1.0 发布于 2004-07-29
- 软件分类: 网络与互联网 > 广告拦截器
- 发布者: MD2 Software
- 许可: 免费
- 价格: N/A
- 版本: 1.0
- 适用平台: windows
md2 Pop-Up Blocker Copyright 2004 md2 Software. All rights reserved. www.md2.co.uk Subject to the following terms, you are licensed to use md2 Pop-Up Blocker without charge. Please read the disclaimer before you do so. md2 Pop-Up Blocker may NOT be distributed as part of any commercial product without a prior license agreement. Licenses to incorporate the source into commercial products are also available. Please see the help file to find out why you should buy the registered version. For information on the full version of md2 Pop-Up Blocker see the Help File section titled Full License. Distribution of the md2 Pop-Up Blocker You are hereby licensed to make as many copies of the md2 Pop-Up Blocker software and documentation. Give exact copies of the original version to anyone, and distribute the this version of the software and documentation in its unmodified form via electronic means; there is no charge. However, you are specifically prohibited from charging or requesting donations for any such copies however made, and you are specifically prohibited from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission. other parties.