MeasureMe 1.11

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‎用户评分: 5.0/5 - ‎2 ‎评分

MeasureMe 是一个软件,可以节省你很多时间,提高你的工作效率,一个字:帮助你赚更多的钱 $:-)还有一个好消息:终身免费升级! 简单地说,它是一种软件,处理从计量学派生的各种单位转换,如"100度(F)"=度(C)"(即 100 华氏度等于摄氏 100 度,=3.2 磅 = ?克 = ?谷物""1.83 米 = ?英尺和英寸","5.7 流体德拉姆 = ?液体盎司 = ?百分位汽油","1.9加仑(美国)汽油 = ?升 = ?品脱(英国)"等等。 如果你真的可以在5秒内回答这5个问题,哦,恭喜你-你是一个天才,当然你不需要这个软件!如果没有,我相信它会帮助你很多^_^ 哦, 我几乎忘了宣布答案 - (: 100 度(华氏度) = 37.8 度(C) 3.2 磅 = 1452.800000 克 =22400.00000 粒 (AVOIRDUPOIS) 3.2 磅 = 1193.600000 克 =18422.122186 谷物 (特洛伊/APOTHECARIES') 1.83 米 = 6 英尺和 0.047 英寸 = 6 英尺 (迈克 · 泰森 1.83 米高吗?我记得他的身高不到 6 英尺: -) 5.7 液体干流 = 0.712500 液体盎司 = 2.024213 百分 1.9 加仑(美国)汽油 = 7.187890 升 = 12.655850 品脱 (英国) 最后,还有另一个好消息给你:这是终身免费升级!


  • 版本 1.11 发布于 2006-09-02



License Agreement for MeasureMe Last updated: August 18, 2005 1. General License Agreement 2. Warranty 3. Copyright 1. General License Agreement This file must be distributed with every copy of MeasureMe. It may not be removed or modified. This information pertains to all use of this software worldwide. This document supersedes all previous "release notes for MeasureMe". This document pertains to the use and distribution of MeasureMe. It applies to all MeasureMe program and documentation files. MeasureMe is protected by law and international treaties. * Application: You are allowed to install one copy of SOFTWARE MeasureMe and use it on your computer. * Distribution of installations: You are only allowed to distribute the created installation files with a registered version of MeasureMe. You have (i) to put a valid copyright information of you or your company somewhere in the installation Wizard's interface and (ii) to agree protecting Jummfa Software, Inc. from any complaints of third parties. You are further not allowed to remove the Jummfa Software, Inc. Copyright information from the configuration files. * Home - Professional: Private persons can use MeasureMe Home while the use is (i) private, (ii) non-commercial. A commercial use is defined where MeasureMe is used for installing Software, which can be bought, licensed or registered in any way. Demo software for commercial software is restricted to and need the professional version. You are only allowed to use the Professional-Version of MeasureMe for commercial software. * Backup copy: You are allowed to create one single copy of the SOFTWARE MeasureMe. You are allowed to use this this copy for backup issues. 2.Additional Restrictions * Restrictions according to Reverse Engineering, Decompilation and Disassembling: You are not allowed to decompile or disassemble the SOFTWARE MeasureMe(Reverse Engineering). * Separating components: The SOFTWARE MeasureMe is licensed as one single product. You are not allowed to separate it's components to use them on more than one computer. * Software transfer: You are allowed to transfer all your rights from this agreement to other persons, when you do not hold back one copy of the SOFTWARE MeasureMe, and transfer the total package of the SOFTWARE MeasureMe(including all components, the media and printed materials and all updates of this agreement), and the receiving person agrees with this agreement. * Denouncing: Jummfa Software, Inc. is allowed to denounce this agreement, when you act against this agreement in any way. In this case you are liable to destroy and remove all copies of the SOFTWARE MeasureMe and its components. 3. REGISTRATION DATA: By registering the SOFTWARE MeasureMe you receive your personal registration key, consisting of your user name and your personal registration number. You are allowed to use this key on one computer at the same time. You are not allowed to rent or hire out this key to to another user, when it is not a long-term transfer as described above. 4. UNREGISTERED VERSION: You are allowed to install the unregistered version of SOFTWARE MeasureMe on a computer and to use it for test issues, which have the purpose to test the ability of the SOFTWARE MeasureMe for it's later use. You are not allowed to distribute the created installation files in form of the project file or the created installation files to third parties or other persons as log as you are not owner of a valid registration key. 5. PRODUCT SUPPORT: Support for the SOFTWARE MeasureMe will be provided through Jummfa Software, Inc. after receiving the licensed software or the registration key. Please refer to the support section on the page on, to get software support. 6. DISTRIBUTION MeasureMe(unregistered) is freely distributable to anyone and everyone so long as it is distributed in UNMODIFIED FORM and no fees are charged. By registering MeasureMe you agree to all terms of this agreement. 7. Copyright MeasureMe Copyright 1999-2005 Jummfa Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Microsoft, Windows 98/ME/NT 4.0/2000/XP/2003 are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.