MeshMolder Beta 3.0

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MeshMolder 版本 3.0 是一个数字雕刻软件,其工作方式就像粘土一样,通过控制覆盖的厚度和半径,根据需要添加和移除零件,从而创建最终形式。 特征: *细分和取消细分; *对称雕刻; *网格减少工具; *冻结工具; *更多十种画笔,以创建有机形式; *PLY 和 OBJ 文件格式; *顶点绘画(保存在PLY和 MET); *百万顶点处理; *免费软件; *开始网格雕刻; *查看线、点和坡度到大小控制网格; *纹理编辑;


  • 版本 3.0 发布于 2016-04-24



MeshMolder - BETA 3.0 Important! Carefully read the terms below before installing, copying and / or using this software product. The installation, copying or use of this software product indicates your acceptance of these conditions. This contract End User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you, the user of the software product identified above and the Karlay M.Souza for the software product identified above MeshMolder that accompanies this EULA, including any associated media, printed materials, documentation "online" or electronic, applications, databases and other software components (collectively referred to as the "SOFTWARE"). By installing, copying or using the SOFTWARE, you acknowledge that you have read this EULA and you understand and agree with the limitations imposed by their condition. This EULA comes into force when You start using the SOFTWARE or accept all the conditions expressly stated herein; You give your explicit consent to the terms of this EULA by: * Select the appropriate option from the list in the process of installing SOFTWARE. and is mandatory for the entire period of the SOFTWARE copyright, unless otherwise specified by this EULA; The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. You agree that this EULA shall apply in the same way as any other written agreement signed by you. This EULA applies to you and any legal entity which has obtained the SOFTWARE and on whose behalf it is used. If you do not agree with the terms of this EULA, do not install or use the SOFTWARE or its components. Definitions "PROPRIETARY" means the responsible for creating the application and your name is Karlay Menezes de Souza. "You", "Your" and "End User" refers to any individual and / or entity that has obtained this SOFTWARE and on whose behalf this SOFTWARE is being used. "License" means a limited non-exclusive right granted to you by PROPRIETARY to install and use the SOFTWARE in accordance with the terms and conditions of this EULA. "Serial Number" means the unique identifier for a license or licenses with the same parameters supplied to the End User. "PROPRIETARY Partner" means an entity that provides the SOFTWARE and the right to use the SOFTWARE on the basis of an agreement with PROPRIETARY granting that person the legal rights to the SOFTWARE required for such activity. "Computer" means an electronic device with one or more CPU cores or a device inside a simulated virtual hardware system or otherwise, that accepts information in digital or similar form and manipulates it for a specific result based on a sequence of instructions. 1. Grant of License 1.1 Subject to Your compliance with the terms of this EULA, PROPRIETARY grants You a license to install and use the SOFTWARE, including all images, photos, animations, audio components and video, music, text, additional applications integrated into the SOFTWARE printed materials and all copies of the SOFTWARE solely as defined below. All conditions set forth below apply to the SOFTWARE as a whole and all its separate components. 2. License 2.1 The PROPRIETARY represents, warrants and guarantees that it has the full right, power, legal capacity, ability and authority to license and distribute the SOFTWARE, including all the images, photos, animations, audio-video components, music, text and "applets" incorporated into the SOFTWARE, as well as the accompanying printed materials and all of the SOFTWARE copies. 2.2 All title and intellectual property rights related to content not contained in the SOFTWARE, but may be accessed through use of the SOFTWARE, are owned by content owners and may be protected by intellectual property protection, copyright and international treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to such intellectual property. 2.3 The SOFTWARE contains valuable trade secrets and confidential information belonging to PROPRIETARY and others and is protected by copyright, including, for example, the Copyright Law of the United States, the Russian laws, international treaty provisions and laws of the country in which it is being used. Any use of the SOFTWARE or any of its components without, or in violation of the terms and conditions of this EULA constitutes infringement of intellectual property rights of third parties or PROPRIETARY and give cause for revocation of all rights to use the SOFTWARE granted You under this EULA. 2.4 You may make a single permanent transfer of this SOFTWARE only directly to another end user. This transfer must include all of the SOFTWARE (including all component parts, the media and printed materials, any updates) and this EULA. This transfer can not be made on consignment or any other indirect transfer. The transferee must only agree with the conditions of this EULA, including the obligation not to re-download the SOFTWARE and this EULA. You must uninstall the SOFTWARE from your computer on your local network and in the case of a transfer of the SOFTWARE. 2.5 This EULA does not grant you any rights related to the trademarks of PROPRIETARY. 2.6 Rights Reserved. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by PROPRIETARY. 2. Using the SOFTWARE 3.1 If the SOFTWARE is labeled "MeshMolder 1.0 Professional Edition", you may install and use the SOFTWARE only on his office computer and his home computer. You may not install the SOFTWARE on more than two computers and may not use the SOFTWARE on more than one computer at the same time. The SOFTWARE may not be used simultaneously on your home computer and your office computer. 3.7 If the SOFTWARE is labeled " MeshMolder Beta 1.0" You may install and use the SOFTWARE freely and can use it commercially. 4. SOFTWARE Multimedia 4.1 You may receive the SOFTWARE in more than one medium, including as Internet downloads. Regardless of the number of media calls, you are licensed to use only one (1) copy of the SOFTWARE in accordance with Section 3 of this EULA. 5. Databases end user 5.1 You can create your own databases for the programs included in the SOFTWARE, the SOFTWARE to provide this feature. 6. Redistribution of the SOFTWARE 6.1 Any redistribution of the SOFTWARE or any portion of the SOFTWARE is strictly prohibited. Redistribution includes, but not limited to, rent, lease, lend or provide third party access to the SOFTWARE, unless otherwise defined in a separate agreement between You and PROPRIETARY. 7. Additional terms of pre-release software 7.1 If the SOFTWARE that you have received with this license is a SOFTWARE in pre-commercial release or beta ("Pre-release Software"), this Section 7 applies. To the extent that any provision in this section is in conflict with any other term or condition of this EULA, this section will replace that (s) other (s) term (s) and condition (s) with respect to pre-release software, but only to the extent necessary to resolve the conflict. 7.2 You acknowledge that the SOFTWARE is a pre-release version, does not represent the end of SOFTWARE PROPRIETARY and may contain bugs, errors and other problems that could cause system or other failures and data loss. Therefore, the pre-release software is provided to you "as is" and PROPRIETARY disclaims any warranty or liability obligations to you of any kind. 7.3 You acknowledge that the Software Pre-Release may work for a limited period of time by the Pre-Release Software, but not exceeding two (2) weeks of the first launch of the Pre-Release Software. After that time, the functionality of the Pre-Release Software will be disabled and the EULA will be canceled, unless extended by PROPRIETARY by obtaining a license for the full version of the SOFTWARE PROPRIETARY. 7.4 You acknowledge that PROPRIETARY not promised or guaranteed that the Pre-Release Software will be announced or made available to anyone in the future PROPRIETARY has no express or implied obligation to announce or introduce the Pre-Release Software and PROPRIETARY may not introduce a product software similar to or compatible with the Pre-Release Software. Thus, you acknowledge that any research or development that perform on the Pre-Release Software or any software product associated with the Pre-Release Software is done entirely at your own risk. 7.5 You acknowledge that the Software Pre-Release, any information electronic, oral or written by PROPRIETARY disclosed to you regarding the Pre-Release Software, any information about the quality of the Pre-Release Software or the results obtained through the use of the Pre-Release Software and any information on bugs, errors and other problems discovered by You in Pre-Release Software is confidential (hereinafter Confidential Materials). 7.6 You agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions: 7.6.1 You shall not disclose confidential materials. The term "disclose" means lease, lend, rent, assign, transfer or otherwise provide access, via a network or otherwise, the confidential materials reproduced in any form, including oral communications, to any third party. 7.6.2 You must take all reasonable steps to prevent disclosure of confidential materials and keep them confidential. 7.6.3 You shall promptly inform the PROPRIETARY if you know of any disclosure of confidential material. 7.6.4 During the period specified in Article 7.3, if requested by PROPRIETARY, you will provide feedback to PROPRIETARY on testing and use of the Pre-release Software, including error or bug reports. 7.6.5 Upon receipt of a later version of Unpublished Pre-Release Software or publicly launched a commercial version of the software as a standalone product or as part of a larger product, you agree to return or destroy all pre-release software received the previous PROPRIETARY and comply with the terms of the license agreement for any later versions of the Pre-Release Software or publicly launched a commercial version of the SOFTWARE. 8. Limitations 8.1 You acknowledge that the SOFTWARE is protected against unauthorized copying and use. 8.2 All terms and conditions and limitations governing use of the SOFTWARE are stated in this EULA, unless otherwise provided in a separate agreement between You and PROPRIETARY or any other documentation accompanying the SOFTWARE. 8.3 You may not make or allow others to perform any activities listed below: 8.3.1 Reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the SOFTWARE or any portion of the SOFTWARE, unless, and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation. If applicable laws permit such activities, any information so discovered must not be disclosed to third parties, unless such disclosure is required by law, and all such information should be promptly reported to PROPRIETARY. All such information shall be considered confidential and proprietary Karlay M.Souza. 8.3.2 Modify, adapt or translate the SOFTWARE, including making changes to the SOFTWARE and applications and databases contained in the SOFTWARE other than those provided by the SOFTWARE and described in the documentation. 8.3.3 Making changes to the SOFTWARE, including changes in order to allow the SOFTWARE follow in His hardware, without the prior written consent of PROPRIETARY except changes that can be made the means included with the SOFTWARE and described in the documentation. Correcting errors in the SOFTWARE without the prior written consent of PROPRIETARY. 8.3.4 rent, lease, sublicense, assign or transfer any rights granted to You by this EULA and other rights related to the Software to any other person or authorize all or any portion of the software is copied to another computer (except as described in Article 2.4) unless otherwise specified in a separate agreement between You and PROPRIETARY. 8.3.5 Enabling any unauthorized person to use the SOFTWARE and work on the multi-user system you to use the SOFTWARE. 8.3.6 Remove, change or obscure any copyright notice, trademark or patent that appears on the SOFTWARE, as supplied to You 8.4 You may not use the SOFTWARE to provide services free or paid recognition and conversion and / or to provide access to results or outcomes achieved through the use of SOFTWARE as part of another service that has recognition or conversion as its main component to any third party. 8.5 You may not use the SOFTWARE in conjunction with any other software that allows interaction with the SOFTWARE without using the graphical user interface. 9. Rescission 9.1 Unless otherwise agreed between You and PROPRIETARY, this EULA is effective for the entire period of copyright SOFTWARE. 9.2 Without prejudice to any other rights, PROPRIETARY may terminate this EULA if you fail to fulfill the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the Software in Your possession and all its components and uninstall the SOFTWARE. 9.3 You may terminate this EULA by destroying all copies of the SOFTWARE in his possession and all of its components to uninstall the SOFTWARE. 10. Limited Warranty 10.1 The SOFTWARE, any upgrades and updates are delivered to you "as is" and PROPRIETARY no warranty of any kind. The PROPRIETARY not warrant and can not guarantee the performance or results you may obtain by using the SOFTWARE. 10.2 With the exception of any warranty, condition, representation or term to the extent that it can not be excluded or limited by applicable law to you in your jurisdiction, PROPRIETARY no warranties, conditions, representations or terms (express or implied by statute , common law, customization and usage, etc.) relating to any aspect, including without limitation, non-infringement of third party rights, merchantability, integration, satisfactory quality or fitness for any particular purpose or that the SOFTWARE contains no errors , meets your requirements or work properly when used in conjunction with any other software or hardware. All risks associated with the quality and performance of the SOFTWARE is at your own risk. 10.3 The PROPRIETARY no warranties for any third-party software product that can be supplied with the SOFTWARE. 11. Limitation of warranty 11.1 In no event shall PROPRIETARY be liable to you for damages, business interruption, loss of data or information, claims or costs of any kind, including any consequential, indirect or incidental damages, lost profits or losses resulting from billing and / or related to use of the SOFTWARE, or for damages caused by any errors or incorrect impressions on the SOFTWARE, even if a representative of PROPRIETARY has been advised of the possibility of such damages, losses, claims or costs, or about any claim by third parties. The above limitations and exclusions apply to the extent permitted by the laws in your jurisdiction. The sole responsibility of aggregate and PROPRIETARY under or in connection with this EULA are limited to the purchase price originally paid for the SOFTWARE, if any.