MobaSSH 1.60

许可: 免费 ‎文件大小: 17.33 MB
‎用户评分: 3.5/5 - ‎4 ‎评分

MobaSSH 是用于 Windows 的免费 SSH 服务器,与任何 ssh 客户端兼容(OpenSSH 客户端,Putty,...)。 支持 Windows 版本 : 2000, XP, 现在 Sever 2003, 服务器 2008, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 和 Windows 10. MobaSSH 配备了一个易于使用的安装程序和一些有用的 GNU 实用程序,用于静默地监视和管理远程计算机:bash、grep、gawk、顶部、vmstat、rsync、vim、... MobaSSH 打包在一个小的单个可执行文件中,该可执行文件注册为 Windows 服务,以便可以像其他普通 Windows 服务一样进行监视。 Mobassh 将帮助您管理 / 监视 / 备份 Windows 计算机, 就像使用 Linux / Unix 计算机一样。当然,由于 scp/sftp 协议,MobaSSH 可用于在 SSH 调谐中安全地传输文件。


  • 版本 1.60 发布于 2016-02-28
    OpenSSL 和 OpenSSH 升级,增强 Windows 10 兼容性等...



End-user license agreement MobaSSH - --- Mobatek, the copyright owner of the MobaSSH software package, grants a non-exclusive license without charge to an individual who intends to use the MobaSSH program for non-commercial purposes provided that all of the following additional conditions are met. You may use MobaSSH under this freeware license if: 1. You install the MobaSSH program on a computer that is your own personal property and you are the primary user of the computer. 2. If you copy or use MobaSSH on different computers, all of the computers are also your own personal property. 3. Or, even if the above conditions are not met, you may still use MobaSSH for 60 days for evaluation purposes without charge. If your situation does not qualify for the freeware license, your usage will be considered as a commercial usage. Please contact us for obtaining a commercial license at [email protected] . With the freeware license, you may give your friends a copy of the MobaSSH Freeware, as long as the package is not altered and remains as a whole. However, for distribution on a commercial basis, you must obtain a written permission from the copyright owner, Mobatek. Please note that Emails from freeware users may not be answered, due to the large number of Emails we receive. If you wish to get technical support by Email, you may consider acquiring a commercial license, even if your usage conforms to the freeware licensing terms. We reserve the right to terminate the freeware status in the future versions of the MobaSSH program. For inclusion of MobaSSH in a Freeware distribution CD-ROM, or download service, please contact Mobatek for a written permission.. Disclaimer of warranty MobaSSH - --- This program could contain some bugs, albeit none that could cause harm to your system. Because of this and the many software and hardware environments into which it can be made to run, the program and the accompanying files come "as is" and without any warranties whether expressed or implied. The user must assume the entire risk of running the program. Any liability of the developer will be limited exclusively to product replacement.