移动主机是一个强大的PIM手机和智能手机。 您可以同步手机(地址和日历)与Outlook(97-2010),Outlook快递,Windows联系人/通讯簿,莲花笔记,雷鸟,棕榈桌面,Novell组托比特大卫信息中心,尤多拉,蝙蝠,歌剧。许多筛选器和选项。 使用随附的复制站将联系人从旧手机传输到新的 iPhone 或 Android 手机。 或者轻松加载、编辑和保存手机通讯簿、日历和笔记。 导入联系人从: iPhone, iTunes, iCloud, 诺基亚 (OVI/PC) 套件, 谷歌联系人, 许多文件,... 浏览电话文件系统并复制文件。 同步 iTunes 播放列表和文件或将 WinAmp 播放列表复制到手机。 附加设备在 Outlook、Lotus Notes、Palm 桌面、雷鸟和 Tobit David 中提供完全集成(例如,一个按钮用于保存联系人并将其发送到手机) 索尼爱立信、三星、摩托罗拉、诺基亚、LG和本Q西门子手机/手机(GSM和UMTS)。 支持 400 多个型号。有关所有受支持型号,请参阅主页。 许多 im 和导出过滤器。 使用短信服务,您可以轻松地发送和接收短信(例如,在 Outlook 中,如电子邮件)。 将手机/通讯簿从一部手机复制到 iPhone、Android 手机、Windows Phone 或其他手机或智能手机(例如,从诺基亚复制到索尼爱立信,反之亦然) 通讯簿转换器:将联系人从掌上电脑复制到雷鸟或 Novell Groupwise 等(无需任何电话) 使用索尼爱立信手机(例如通过蓝牙)远程控制您的 PC(例如 Winamp、PowerDVD) 通过短信远程控制您的电脑。 通讯簿转换器,用于将联系人从例如 Lotus Notes 复制到雷鸟。
- 版本 6.8.1 发布于 2007-05-20
- 软件分类: 通信 > 电话
- 发布者: Jumping Bytes
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $44.90
- 版本: 8.9.4
- 适用平台: windows
License agreement for the software beeing installed with this setup If you do not agree with the statements below, you are not allowed to install this software You can use the Mobile Master for an evaluation period of 30 days. I you want to use the Mobile Master after that evaluation period you have to license it. You may copy this installation and give it to friends and/or colleagues. But you are not allowed to sell, lend, distribute this installation or any of its components or take any money for it. It is not allowed to distribute the software or its setup file as supplement to any kind of newspaper or magazine. If you want to distribute Mobile Master or any of its files or its setup file please contact us ([email protected]). You are not allowed to use, copy, distribute or publish any of the files (or part(s) of it) installed by this installation or contained in this installation. You are not allowed to copy, distribute, lend or publish any source code or part(s) of it, that is installed by this installation. You will only get support, if you have ordered a license key for the Mobile Master. The author of Mobile Master does not take any responsibilities for problems or data loss you may encounter with your PC and/or with your mobile phone. Make always sure you have a backup of your data. It cannot be guaranteed that the software run without errors.