Move Me 2.52

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 2.89 MB
‎用户评分: 5.0/5 - ‎3 ‎评分

Move Me 是一种用于运行 Microsoft Windows 的计算机的迁移实用程序,它是将所有程序和文件从旧计算机移动到新计算机的快速、简单且廉价的方法,同时使新计算机的预安装软件保持不变。 您将节省数小时或可能数天的工作来设置新机器,不会留下数据的风险。移动我自动找到您的程序和文件。只需运行简单的向导界面,回答几个非常简单的问题,然后单击"下一步"几次。 下载软件没有成本或义务,并安装在新旧计算机上。Move Me 检查两个系统上的数据,决定需要移动哪些数据,并告诉您将传输多少数据。 此时,您决定是否要执行迁移。在一分钟内,您可以使用您的信用卡支付低迁移费通过安全的互联网交易,并开始移动您的文件到他们的新家。 Move Me 可以通过局域网 (LAN)、USB(使用特定的 USB 传输电缆)、并行文件传输电缆、文件服务器(两台计算机可访问的第三台计算机(不一定同时访问)或可移动媒体(如 USB 驱动器)传输您的数据。 如果您是希望对迁移进行更多控制的电源用户或网络管理员,您将想要探索"移动我的控制中心"。 控制中心允许您查看迁移过程中移动的内容,并创建规则以自定义流程。 购买"移动我"时,您可以多次从一台计算机进行迁移。如果您需要从许多计算机进行迁移,则提供有吸引力的批量折扣。请联系斯皮利特软件了解更多信息。 使用 Move Me,迁移到新计算机不再意味着花费数小时(甚至几天)试图找到您的数据文件并重新安装所有软件。移动我为做所有的工作。没有头痛。不要浪费时间。没有丢失的数据。


  • 版本 2.52 发布于 2004-11-04
    USB 2 支持



END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT for MOVE ME from Spearit Software, Inc. This Limited Use Software License Agreement (the "Agreement") is a legal agreement between you, the end-user ("Licensee") and the author ("Spearit Software") of this software package ("Move Me"). If you install and use Move Me, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, you may not install or use this software. Move Me is a software program for migrating files and settings from one computer (the "old computer") to another computer (the "new computer"). As Licensee, you are allowed to download or otherwise acquire Move Me and install it on any computer(s) free of charge. Upon payment of a migration fee, Move Me transfers files and settings from Licensee's old computer to Licensee's new computer. If Licensee chooses not to pay the migration fee, the migration is not completed and Licensee owes no payment to Spearit Software. Move Me may be freely distributed as long as it is distributed in its entirety, including all program files and program documentation. Move Me may not be distributed through any means for a fee without the permission of Spearit Software. Licensee may not alter this software in any way, including changing or removing any messages or windows. Licensee may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise reduce this software to a human perceivable form. Licensee may not publicize or distribute any registration code algorithms, information, or registration codes used by this software without the written permission of Spearit Software. By downloading, installing, using, copying, or distributing Move Me, Licensee agrees to abide by the copyright law and all other applicable laws including, but not limited to, export control laws, and the terms of this Agreement. Spearit Software shall have the right to terminate this Agreement immediately upon Licensee's breach of, or non-compliance with, any of its terms. Licensee may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by Licensee's failure to abide by the terms of this Agreement. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO LICENSEE "AS IS". ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS, AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE DISCLAIMED, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH DISCLAIMERS ARE HELD TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. THIS AGREEMENT IS GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. IF ANY PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT IS HELD INVALID, THE REMAINDER OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL CONTINUE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, SPEARIT SOFTWARE'S AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO LICENSEE OR TO ANY THIRD PARTY FOR CLAIMS RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, WHETHER FOR BREACH OR IN TORT, WILL BE LIMITED TO THE FEE