MP3 To 铃声是一个铃声转换器。它可用于将流行的压缩音频格式 (.mp3) 转换为铃声格式 (.mmf,.mp3,.wav)和刻录 mp3 到 cd 或作为 cd 裂土器。它可用于一次翻录多个音频 CD(如果系统中安装了多个 CD-ROM 驱动器)。它还可用于将 mp3 转换为小尺寸。您可以将您喜欢的 MP3 的任何部分保存为铃声格式。64MB mp3 手机可以支持超过 250 首歌曲。为了获得高品质和小尺寸,我们提供默认配置,您的手机可以支持超过60首歌曲。要了解更多信息,请输入我们的网站:。
- 版本 1.36 发布于 2006-06-25
license Areement You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement. MP3 To Ringtone! is NOT free software. It has a trial period of 5 seconds ringtones without any restrictions! If you want more,you must register. A single-user license is USD19.95(subject to change without notice). You can register online, by fax, phone, or mail. We also accept purchase orders. You are permitted and encouraged to distribute copies of the original, unmodified, zip-compressed AnMing! MP3 CD Burner! archive. However, you are not permitted to charge anything for doing so. Computer magazines are allowed to distribute the unmodified trial version on cover disks, etc., without having to contact the author in advance. When registering MP3 To Ringtone , you will receive an email with registration instructions. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble this software product. You may not rent, lease or lend the software product. A valid single-user license grants you the following rights: You may install and use as many copies of MP3 To Ringtone you have purchased licenses for. DISCLAIMER THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. Copyright ?2005 AnMing . All rights reserved.