MtxVec 1.02

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功能列表: 1.) 矩阵和矢量: 2D 卷积、Eigenv 值和电子化器、通用特征值和 特征器, 2D FFT, 反向 2D FFT, 矩阵反向, 2D 真实 FFT, Lq 和 Qr 分解,最不方拟合,LU分解,线性方程解解系统 重新确定和条件编号,均匀和高斯随机数生成器, 排序,奇异值分解,通过SVD分解求解方程系统, 西尔维斯特方程,偏置,正常和公正的自相关,快速循环 卷积,快速交叉相关,正向和反向离散余弦变换,向前 和反向 FFT 为真实和复杂的所有组合,Geortz'el 算法 频率估计、希尔伯特变换、特奥普利茨系统解决方案、 2.) 概率分布 PDF、CDF 和反向 CDF: 二项式,几何,超几何,负二项,泊松,离散 均匀, beta , Cauchy , chi - 平方, 指数, F, 伽玛, 麦克斯韦, 正常, 帕雷托, 雷利, 学生 (T), 连续制服, 威布尔, 3.) 特殊功能 完整的椭圆积分, 雅各比椭圆函数, Airy 函数及其衍生物, Airy 乐趣。第二种及其衍生物,贝塞尔函数:J,Y,I,K和H,相关的传奇多项式, 4.) 多项式 查找根、多式倾斜、立方样条线、线性和立方插值算法、按片式多面体构造和评估、去卷积、滤波器 5.) 优化方法 布伦特、BFGS、马夸特和内尔德米德最小化方法、数值梯度和黑森矩阵 6.) 所有主题的共同点: • 超过 1200 个记录良好的函数。 • 高度的三元、PII、PIII、PIV 优化的代码。 • 完全支持复数 • 您的算法已准备就绪 • 使用 Delphi 6 直接访问 Web 服务,无需求助于 java。 • 直接访问数据库,无需插入 • 接口英特尔 MKL 和 NSP


  • 版本 1.02 发布于 2001-08-01



=============================================== MTXVEC 1.02 VCL - July 20th, 2001 Copyright (c) 1999-2001 by DewResearch All Rights Reserved =============================================== License Terms: =============== -- A Single License of MTXVEC 1.02 VCL is per developer. -- A Site License of MTXVEC 1.02 VCL is per "physical place" with unlimited number of developers under the same company building(s). -- MTXVEC 1.02 VCL is royalty free (see below). -- For special licensing issues, volume discounts, integrations or redistribution please contact us at: [email protected] MTXVEC 1.02 is royalty free: ================================== REGISTERED VERSION: You can freely distribute MTXVEC code COMPILED into your applications as executables or dynamic link libraries, including as OCX ActiveX Controls or ActiveX Forms, but not including as design-time packages. You are NOT allowed to distribute stand-alone MTXVEC files, MTXVEC source code, MTXVEC manual and help file or everything else contained in this software without giving our written permission. TRIAL VERSION: You can distribute only unmodified MTXVEC evaluation version. Delphi 4,5,6 and C++Builder 4,5 Packages: ====================================== You are NOT allowed to distribute the MTXVEC design-time package files and/or any of the BDSPP *.DCP, *.DCU or any other file from the source code files. Disclaimer ========== DewResearch cannot and does not guarantee that any functions contained in the Software will meet your requirements, or that its operations will be error free. The entire risk as to the Software performance or quality, or both, is solely with the user and not the Author. You assume responsibility for the selection of the component to achieve your intended results, and for the installation, use, and results obtained from the Software. The DewResearch makes no warranty, either implied or expressed, including with-out limitation any warranty with respect to this Software documented here, its quality, performance, or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the Author be liable to you for damages, whether direct or indirect, incidental, special, or consequential arising out the use of or any defect in the Software, even if the Author has been advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party. All other warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are expressly excluded. DewResearch Oplotnica, SLOVENIJA ----------------------------------------------------------------------