MultiBlog 1.2.1

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 1.50 MB
‎用户评分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎评分

MultiBlog 是将博客或日记条目发布到各种博客和日志的工具。它使用 Blogger API 将条目发布到支持 Blogger XML-RPC API 的任何 Web 日志或日志系统。 MultiBlog 支持所有常用的博客工具功能,用于发布您的博客条目,但是,它有一些特殊的独特电动工具,真正的博客坚果: 1. 在多个帐户中向多个博客发布一个帖子(更多) 2. 帐户独立心情、音乐和标题支持 3. 客户独立通讯簿 这是除了通常的东西: 1. 拼写检查 2. 保存帖子,供进一步发布 3. 添加链接和图像 4. 设置文本字体和对齐方式 5. 多个帐户和博客 6. 发布预览 7. 彩色 HTML 代码 8.HTML标签菜单 9. 没有间谍软件!


  • 版本 1.2.1 发布于 2005-03-19



MultiBlog is a tool for posting to your blogs remotely. It is issued under a shareware licensing model. You have 30 days to try MultiBlog before you must register it. MutliBlog will display a nag screen the first time you use it and every day after your 30 day period has expired. By installing and using MultiBlog you are agreeing to the following: 1. You, and only, you are to blame for anything that goes wrong with the application. 2. You will not re-distribute the application, or any licenses for this application. 3. You will not attempt to disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise tinker, hack or mess with this product. 4. You will pay for it if you continue to use it beyond your 30 day trial period. I think that license is quite straightforward. No tons of legal stuff. Basically you get the point, I cant be held liable for anything that goes wrong. You wont rip me off. When you pay for MultiBlog you get an unlimited single user license for the application and all future updates. A life-time single user license. I.e. you can install it on as many machines as you like but only you can use it. Thank you for supporting Shareware software.