您是否听说过标准的 Windows 安装/卸载应用程序会删除程序,但剩余的文件和注册表项仍将在您的计算机上?存储这些文件是没有意义的,但最终它们会累积并降低您的 PC 的工作容量。删除程序(包括剩余文件)的最方便、最安全、最队列的方式是 MyPlayCity 卸载程序。我们建议您每次使用 MyPlayCity 卸载程序进行完全和绝对的取款。删除不必要的文件并清理磁盘空间。删除程序后保留的不必要的文件可能会随着时间的推移而累积,并占用计算机的有用磁盘空间和充血注册表。MyPlayCity 卸载程序将帮助您保持 PC 的新鲜和清洁,因为它具有跟踪和清理剩余文件的功能。它将清理文件夹和注册表项以及您删除的程序。此外,它不仅删除应用程序,而且从您的浏览器工具栏和加载项。您安装的许多应用程序会自动添加到您的启动菜单中,从而加快计算机启动和关闭进程的速度。使用 MyPlayCity 卸载程序,只需单击一下即可将程序从"开始"菜单中带走。有时,仅删除多个应用程序,计算机启动和关闭的速度会快得多。MyPlayCity 卸载程序提供简单和完全删除所有不必要的应用程序与所有剩余的文件,即使你是一个初学者 PC 用户。直观的设计使 MyPlayCity 卸载程序非常方便和很好地使用。 主要特点: - 简单和完全删除所有不必要的应用程序的方式 - 删除弯曲和失控的程序 - 跟踪和清理剩余的文件、文件夹和注册表项 - 阻止无用的应用程序在开始菜单时自动加载 - 不仅从浏览器中删除应用程序,还删除工具栏和加载项
- 版本 2.0 发布于 2017-02-14
- 软件分类: 系统实用程序 > 系统维护
- 发布者: MyPlayCity Inc.
- 许可: 免费
- 价格: N/A
- 版本: 2.0
- 适用平台: windows
All copyrights to MyPlayCity Uninstaller are exclusively owned by the company MyPlayCity Inc. MyPlayCity Inc hereby grants you a non-exclusive, transferable license to use its software product and accompanying documentation on the following terms and only for non-commercial purposes. MyPlayCity Uninstaller may be freely distributed, provided the distribution package is not modified, without written permission from the copyright holder. You may not clone, rent, lease, sell, modify the software. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. This Agreement will remain in effect for 1 year following the download of the Software. At the end of this period, delete or destroy your copy of the software and obtain a new copy from MyPlayCity Inc. MYPLAYCITY UNINSTALLER IS DISTRIBUTED 'AS IS'. NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. Consent to use of data - You agree that MyPlayCity Inc may collect and use information transmitted through Express Uninstaller to improve its products and services. MyPlayCity Uninstaller will not collect any personally identifiable information from your computer location or workstation during this process. Installing and using MyPlayCity Uninstaller signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove MyPlayCity Uninstaller files from your storage devices and cease to use the software.