ndxCards 1.96

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ndxCard 是适合忙碌的学生、学术或专业人士的生产力软件。它使用记事卡的想法来捕获任何想保留和重用的东西(一个想法,一个读或听的东西,食谱,样板文本,或照片),并使用关键字,来源,作者等组织它们。 用鼠标点击/热键获取空白便笺。直接从网站、电子邮件、其他应用程序键入或复制/粘贴。设置文本格式(粗体/项目符号/数字。设置每个音符的颜色。提前键入数据输入字段自动完成主题、关键字、源等。在会议或课堂上,或在从书籍或网站上阅读时,记笔记很容易。 检索笔记很直观。用"推针"标记笔记,然后一键找到它们。将注释链接到许多关键字 - 您自己的关键字。使用关键字、主题、日期或条件组合搜索特定笔记。 使用标准软件,并使用您做笔记。将笔记放入 PowerPoint 并直观地分析笔记,在卡片之间绘制链接并推断关系。突出显示笔记列表中的一组便笺卡,并在不打开每个便笺卡的情况下将内容复制/粘贴到 MSWord 中。粘贴到 Excel 作为操作寄存器。创建项目以组织包含标题的大纲中的记事卡,并导出文档草稿,包括您使用的源的目表列表。 通过与同事共享卡片进行协作。打包卡片并将其发送给团队成员。这样构建共享知识库。


  • 版本 1.96 发布于 2007-12-28



TruTamil LLC. End User License Agreement PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO THE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS OF TruTamil LLC. AND OTHER LICENSORS WHOSE SOFTWARE MAY BE BUNDLED WITH THIS PRODUCT.BY YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE INCLUDED WITH THIS PRODUCT YOU AGREE TO THE LICENSE TERMS REQUIRED BY THE LICENSOR OF THAT SOFTWARE, AS SET FORTH BELOW. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE LICENSE TERMS APPLICABLE TO THE SOFTWARE, YOU MAY RETURN THE ENTIRE UNUSED PRODUCT TO THE SOURCE FROM WHICH YOU OBTAINED IT. NdxCards™ Software License Agreement (Single Named User, Non-Networked Application) In return for acquiring a license to use the ndxCards™ software, which may include software from third party licensors and patches made available by TruTamil LLC, and the related documentation, you agree to the following terms and conditions: 1.License. This Agreement grants you, the Licensee, a license to: (a) be installed and operated on one individual computer, provided the software is only accessible to, and operated by, a single Licensed User, designated as the "Named User" and (b) make one copy of the Software in machine readable form solely for back-up purposes, provided you reproduce TruTamil LLC’s copyright proprietary legends. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Software may be used on the home, laptop or other secondary computer of the Named User of the Software. As used in this license, the Software is "in use" when it is either loaded into RAM or installed on a hard disk or other permanent memory device. The Software may be "in use" on only one computer at any given time. (Different license terms and fees are applicable for networked or multiple user applications.) As a specific condition of this license, you agree to use the Software in compliance with all applicable laws, including copyright laws. 2.Restrictions. You may not distribute copies of the Software to others or electronically transfer the Software from one computer to another over a network. You may not post or otherwise make available the Software, or any portion thereof, in any form, on the Internet. You may not use the Software in a computer service business, including in time-sharing applications. The Software contains trade secrets and, in order to protect them, you may not decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Software to a human-perceivable form. YOU MAY NOT MODIFY, ADAPT, TRANSLATE, RENT, LEASE, LOAN, RESELL FOR PROFIT, DISTRIBUTE, NETWORK OR CREATE DERIVATIVE WORKS BASED UPON THE SOFTWARE OR ANY PART THEREOF. 3.Ownership of Software. As Licensee, you own the media upon which the software is recorded or fixed, but TruTamil LLC and its licensors retain title and ownership of the Software recorded on the original media and all subsequent copies of the Software, regardless of the form or media in which or on which the original and other copies may exist. This license is not a sale of the Software or any copy. 4.Term. This license is effective until January 1, 2050, unless terminated earlier. You may terminate the license at any time by destroying the Software (including the related documentation) together with all copies or modifications in any form. TruTamil LLC will have the right to terminate our license immediately if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement. Upon any termination, including termination by you, you must destroy the Software (including the related documentation), together with all copies or modifications in any form. 5. Limited Warranty. TruTamil LLC and its Licensors warrants only that the Software will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written documentation for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of your purchase receipt. TruTamil LLC AND ITS LICENSORS DO NOT AND CANNOT WARRANT THE RESULTS YOU MAY OBTAIN BY USING THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTATION. THE FOREGOING STATES THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES TRUTAMIL LLC AND ITS LICENSORS WILL PROVIDE FOR BREACH OF WARRANTY. EXCEPT FOR THE FOREGOING LIMITED WARRANTY, TruTamil LLC AND ITS LICENSORS MAKE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED, AS TO NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitations on how long an implied warranty may last, so the above limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. The entire liability of TruTamil LLC and its Licensors, and your exclusive remedy for a breach of this warranty, shall be: (a) the replacement of any Software not meeting the above limited warranty which is returned by you; or (b) if TruTamil LLC or its distributor is unable to deliver replacement Software you may terminate this Agreement by returning the Software and your money will be refunded. If you have purchased this Software bundled with a computer hardware product, you must return the Software to the computer hardware manufacturer. 6.Limitation of Liability. IN NO EVENT WILL TruTamil LLC OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS, OR LOSS OF DATA, EVEN IF TruTamil LLC OR A LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. 7. Export. You acknowledge that the laws and regulations of the United States and other countries may restrict the export and re-export of the Software. You agree that you will not export or re-export the Software or documentation in any form in violation of applicable United States and foreign law. 8. Government Restricted Rights. The Software is subject to restricted rights as follows. If the Software is acquired under the terms of a GSA contract: use, reproduction or disclosure is subject to the restrictions set forth in the applicable ADP Schedule contract. If the Software is acquired under the terms of a DoD or civilian agency contract, use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to the restrictions of this Agreement in accordance with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations and its successors and 49 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 of the DoD FAR Supplement and its successors 9. General. You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement, understand it, and that by using the Software you agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. You further agree that it is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between TruTamil LLC and you, and supersedes any proposal or prior agreement, oral or written, and any other communication between TruTamil LLC and you relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. No additional or any different terms will be enforceable against TruTamil LLC unless TruTamil LLC gives its express consent, including an express waiver of the terms of this Agreement, in writing signed by an officer of TruTamil LLC. You assume full responsibility for the use of the Software and agree to use the Software legally and responsibly. This Agreement shall be governed by Arizona law, except as to copyright matters, which are covered by Federal law. This Agreement is deemed entered into at Scottsdale, Arizona by both parties. Should any provision of this Agreement be declared unenforceable in any jurisdiction, then such provision shall be deemed severable from this Agreement and shall not affect the remainder hereof. All rights in the Software not specifically granted in this Agreement are reserved by TruTamil LLC. Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, you may contact TruTamil LLC by writing to: TruTamil LLC. 5210 E. Hartford Avenue Scottsdale, AZ 85254. [email protected]