Net Gin Rummy 5.40

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玩金鲁米与你的朋友和PC。 金游戏首次出现在20世纪早期,但直到20世纪30年代,金游戏变得非常流行,因为它由百老汇和好莱坞明星播放,并在多部电影中出现。因此,在计算机和互联网的新时代中,金获得分数也就不足为奇了! 最流行的变化的杜松子酒游戏金鲁米有相当简单的规则和令人兴奋的游戏。我们的网络金鲁米给你一个机会玩游戏与电脑机器人或现场对手通过互联网或局域网。也可以在两张桌子上同时玩,轻松从游戏切换到游戏。对于每个表,您可以 - 从简单,标准或俄克拉荷马金选择杜松子酒变种; - 使用您自己的分数系统规则; - 更改信息窗口设置; - 选择卡片和布景; - 选择并编辑声音方案。 金鲁米是成人和儿童的好,可能是一个伟大的家庭游戏!


  • 版本 5.40 发布于 2004-01-05



NET GIN RUMMY - PRODUCT LICENSE INFORMATION NOTICE TO USERS: CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING LEGAL AGREEMENT. USE OF THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED WITH THIS AGREEMENT (THE "SOFTWARE") CONSTITUTES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL AND/OR USE THIS SOFTWARE. USER'S USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS CONDITIONED UPON COMPLIANCE BY USER WITH THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. LICENSE GRANT. NetIntellGames grants you a license to use one copy of the version of this SOFTWARE on any one hardware product for as many licenses as you purchase. "You" means the company, entity or individual whose funds are used to pay the license fee. "Use" means storing, loading, installing, executing or displaying the SOFTWARE. You may not modify the SOFTWARE or disable any licensing or control features of the SOFTWARE except as an intended part of the SOFTWARE's programming features. When you first obtain a copy of the SOFTWARE, you are granted an evaluation period of not more than 10 days, after which time you must pay for the SOFTWARE according to the terms and prices discussed in the SOFTWARE's documentation, or you must remove the SOFTWARE from your computer. This license is not transferable to any other hardware product or other company, entity, or individual. Networked computers must purchase copies of the SOFTWARE for every computer screen accessing the SOFTWARE product on the server. OWNERSHIP. The SOFTWARE is owned and copyrighted by NetIntellGames. Your license confers no title or ownership in the SOFTWARE and should not be construed as a sale of any right in the SOFTWARE. COPYRIGHT. The SOFTWARE is protected by United States copyright law and international treaty provisions. You acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property in the SOFTWARE is transferred to you. You further acknowledge that title and full ownership rights to the SOFTWARE will remain the exclusive property of NetIntellGames and you will not acquire any rights to the SOFTWARE except as expressly set forth in this license. You agree that any copies of the SOFTWARE will contain the same proprietary notices which appear on and in the SOFTWARE. REVERSE ENGINEERING. You agree that you will not attempt to reverse compile, modify, translate, or disassemble the SOFTWARE in whole or in part. UNAUTHORIZED USE. You may not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the SOFTWARE except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. REFUND POLICY. You are expected to use the SOFTWARE on your system and to thoroughly evaluate its usefulness and functionality before making a purchase. This "try before you buy" approach is the ultimate guarantee that the SOFTWARE will perform to your satisfaction; therefore, you understand and agree that there is no refund policy for any purchase of the SOFTWARE. DISTRIBUTION. The SOFTWARE unregistered shareware version, may be freely distributed, provided the distribution package is not modified. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of the SOFTWARE without written permission from the copyright holder. LIMITED WARRANTY. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS. NETINTELLGAMES DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NEITHER NETINTELLGAMES NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH SOFTWARE, EVEN IF NETINTELLGAMES HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR CLAIMS. THE PERSON USING THE SOFTWARE BEARS ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU TO THE EXTENT THAT LIABILITY IS BY LAW INCAPABLE OF EXCLUSION OR RESTRICTION. IN NO EVENT SHALL ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY EXCEED THE LICENSE FEE PAID TO NETINTELLGAMES. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This is the entire agreement between you and NetIntellGames which supersedes any prior agreement or understanding, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this license. RESERVED RIGHTS. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to NetIntellGames.