NetFilter SDK 2 Demo

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NetFilter SDK 是一个框架,用于透明筛选通过网络传输的数据包。这是一个高性能的无代理解决方案,兼容所有防病毒/防火墙/其他网络筛选器。它非常适合开发内容筛选器、基本应用程序级防火墙、流量分析器/变形器、需要查看和修改 Windows 上的 TCP/UDP 流量的其他软件。


  • 版本 发布于 2011-08-19
  • 版本 1.0 发布于 2007-07-09



LICENSE STATEMENT All copyrights to NetFilter SDK are exclusively owned by the author - Vitaly Sidorov Using NetFilter SDK The sources provided as part of the NetFilter SDK product are intended to be incorporated into your own programs. Nevertheless, the original NetFilter SDK souces, samples and documentation are the property of author and author provides you with only specific and limited rights to their use. Any rights not specifically granted in this statement are reserved by author. Distribution In Executable Form Author grants you the right to incorporate the NetFilter SDK into your own programs as long as your program adds substantial functionality beyond that provided in the original sources. You may distribute programs that you create and which contain elements of the original NetFilter SDK, in executable form only, without restriction or fee provided that all copies of your programs bear a valid copyright notice. By copyright notice, we mean your own copyright notice. You, of course, shall remain solely responsible for, and will hold author harmless from, all claims, liability and damages arising from your own products which may include elements of the NetFilter SDK code. Distribution In Source Form Author does not grant you the right to give away, sell, license or otherwise distribute source code derived substantially from the NetFilter SDK unless the recipient of your source code obtains their own license to the NetFilter SDK, identical to this license and at the same cost that you paid for this license. Using Original Source Code, Sample Programs And Documentation Original, unmodified source code to NetFilter SDK and documentation included as part of the NetFilter SDK are protected by international copyright law and international treaty provisions. You must treat these items just like a book, except that you may make archival copies of these items for the sole purpose of backing up your software and protecting your investment from loss. This means that these items may be used by any number of people, and may be moved from one computer location to another, so long as there is no possibility of them being used or viewed on one computer while they are being used or viewed at another. LIMITED WARRANTY Warranty Disclaimer AUTHOR SHALL PROVIDE THE SOFTWARE TO YOU WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. AUTHOR MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO ANY SUPPORT SERVICES IT MAY RENDER TO YOU. AUTHOR DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE OR THAT THE SOFTWARE CONTAINS NO DEFECTS OR ERRORS. YOU ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE SELECTION, POSSESSION, PERFORMANCE AND PROPER INSTALLATION AND USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND FOR VERIFYING THE RESULTS OBTAINED THEREFROM. Damage Disclaimer THE LIABILITY OF AUTHOR, SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS FOR DAMAGES, WHETHER FOR BREACH OF THIS LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF THE LICENSE FEE, WHETHER THE LIABILITY ARISES FROM CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHER CLAIMS. AUTHOR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES WHICH MAY ARISE FROM THIS LICENSE AND LIMITED WARRANTY OR THE POSSESSION OR USE OF ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE SOFTWARE, EVEN TO THE EXTENT AUTHOR IS AWARE OF THE RISK OF SUCH DAMAGES. AUTHOR SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR COSTS OR PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS NOR FOR ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST BUSINESS, LOSS OF USE OR DATA OR INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS ARISING OUT OF ANY USE OR FAILURE OF ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE SOFTWARE Amendments No amendment, change, or modification of this License and Limited Warranty or any of the terms, conditions or provisions hereof, and no waiver of a right, remedy, privilege or power, or discharge of an obligation or liability, conferred upon, vested in, or imposed upon either Party, and no consent to any act or omission pertaining hereto shall be effective unless duly embodied in a written instrument signed by the duly authorized representatives of both Parties.