Office2Flash SDK 2.0

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Office2Flash SDK 适用于应用程序和网站的强大、快速的 Office 到 PDF 和闪存转换解决方案 作为编程公司的主要提供商文档转换软件解决方案,conaito 开发、分发并完全支持强大、灵活和可靠的文档转换和查看软件技术,包括 Adobe Flash 和 Adobe Flex 文档查看器、转换 SDK 和批量转换应用程序。我们全新的 Office2Flash SDK 将大部分 Microsoft Office 文档、、图像格式等转换为 PDF 和 Adobe Flash (SWF)。 Office2Flash SDK 足够灵活,可满足所有映像和转换相关开发项目的需求。其广泛的特性和功能可满足您当前的转换要求和未来的文档需求。 是否要在线转换和共享 Office 文档?Conaito Office2Flash SDK 是命令行解决方案,软件开发人员可以轻松地将专家转换功能整合到其网站、服务器和桌面应用程序中,这些应用程序大多位于所有开发环境中。 主要功能 - 以下是 Conaito Office2Flash SDK 的主要功能列表: * 将大部分 Office 文档(微软办公室、、图像格式等)转换为 Web 就绪的 Adobe Flash 文件 * 将大部分 Office 文档(微软办公室、、图像格式等)转换为 Adobe PDF 文件 * 最小 PDF 和 SWF 文件大小在转换中 * 领先的转换技术不依赖于任何打印机驱动程序产品 * 将大批量批量转换集成到基于服务器的应用程序或工作流中 * 受支持 文本格式: 文档, 文档, odt, rtf, txt, sdw, wps 电子表格格式:xlsx、xls、ods、sdc 等 演示文稿格式: pptx, ppt, odp, 锅, 锅, pps, sda, sdd, dps 图像格式: bmp, gif, png, jpg, jpeg, tiff, psd 本机格式:pdf


  • 版本 1.0 发布于 2009-11-30



Single Product/Service based Licensing We provide a 'Single License' to 'Single Product/ Server or Service'. You are limited to use the Single License under your product, server or service. So, if you have two different products, then you would have to buy two license keys. But you are free to use a single license for as many copies of the product/ server or service for which you have purchased the License Key. The exclusive selling of the conaito Office2Flash SDK without it being integrated into product/ server or service or server is not permitted. Support and Maintenance The Support and Maintenance subscription provides you with email support for all of our products. In addition your subscription provides all new product releases and updates while your subscription is active. The conaito Office2Flash SDK can be purchased with either a without, 30 days, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years or Lifetime of support and maintenance subscription. If your support and maintenance agreement has expired it can be renewed by purchasing a "Subscription Renewal" within 30 days after expiration. Unlimited Redistribution/ Royalty Free License and other Fees You are free to redistribute, as many conaito Office2Flash SDK (per Desktop application/ Royalty Free License) incorporated copies of your product. Conaito Technologies provides royalty free licensing (per Desktop application/ Royalty Free License), you don't have to pay any fee or royalty to redistribute your products which incorporate conaito Office2Flash Components. We do not charge any yearly or monthly fee.