ORM Designer

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ORM 设计器是一个可视化的 ERD 数据库工具,完全支持基于 XML、YAML 或其他结构化语言的 ORM 框架。手动写入的千字节文本定义替换为易于使用的图形界面。ORM Designer 是由开发人员为开发人员创建的,每天为您节省时间。但是,即使您不使用任何 ORM 框架,您仍然可以从插件支持、有效的工作流程和可扩展性中获益。花了几个小时测试用户界面,使常见的任务快速和容易。 由于设计非常灵活,几乎可以完全支持任何 ORM 框架,该框架中存储着标记语言中的定义。目前支持的 ORM 框架是 PHP 推进和 PHP 理论。也支持 Symfony Web 框架与推进和教义相结合。其他 Web 和 ORM 框架将在下一个版本中得到支持。 ORM Designer 支持特定于框架的选项,如对象行为、继承、I18N(国际化)或版本控制。您可以将模型组织成区域,以便于查找相关表。数据模型可以分为插件或模块文件,并在另一个项目中重用这些部分。 ORM Designer 将其所有内部定义都存储在人类可读的 XML 格式中。这意味着在提交版本控制系统时,您始终可以轻松地检查和比较对模型所做的更改,还可以制作数据库模型的后处理脚本。 享受快速、舒适和无差错的数据库模型创建。 有关 ORM 设计器的信息,请访问http://www.orm-designer.com


  • 版本 发布于 2013-02-10
    ORM 设计器 2.0
  • 版本 1.1.20 发布于 2009-10-28



Software License Agreement ORM Designer www.ormdesigner.com Important - Please read carefully. This software is protected by the Czech Republic copyright laws and international copyright treaty provisions. The condition of legal use of this software is to purchase the product and agree to all of the terms of this agreement. In case of breaking the terms and conditions of use stated in this agreement, the software license agreement shall become invalid and the related software license will be blocked. By selecting the "Accept" button below this agreement or by installing or using all or any portion of software you accept all the terms and conditions of this agreement. The contract is formed between Inventic s.r.o. and you or company for which you are acquiring the software. If you do not agree to all of terms and conditions of use, select Cancel button or do not install or use the software. Inventic s.r.o. grants one developer a limited, personal, nontransferable, nonexluclusive license to use a copy of the software. You may install the software to your computer and make copy for archival purposes. You may install one additional copy of the software on a your second computer that is away from your usual work location or a portable computer. The license to use the software is perpetual. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the software remain in Inventic s.r.o. and its suppliers or licensors. Software is protected by applicable copyright or other law. This license gives the user no rights, title or interest to content of software except the content that is created by using the software. It is prohibited to modify, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code or algorithms of the software. It is not permitted to copy, rent, lease or remove any proprietary notices or labels on the software. These activities are nonlegal and signifies an infringement of the copyright and intellectual property rights and you may be liable to Inventic s.r.o. for damages or you may be subject to criminal penalties. The software is provided without warranty of any kind. Inventic s.r.o. disclaims all express or implied waranties, including witnut limitation warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Inventic s.r.o. does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use, or the results of the use, of the software products in terms of correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. The user of software assumes the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the software. Inventic s.r.o. assumes no liability for the cost of any service or repair if the software is defective. Inventic s.r.o. reject any liability for any incidental, indirect or consequential damages as lost business profits, business shut down or any other commercial losses causes by using software. The liability of Inventic s.r.o. for any damages arising out of or in connection with the software, user documentation or this agreement shall not exceed the amount paid for the software directly responsible for such damages. Created and produced by Inventic s.r.o., Julianovske namesti 2, Brno, Czech Republic, (00420 515 530270), [email protected], www.inventic.cz.