OST PST Convertor Tool Software 4.5.1

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电子邮件恢复 PRO OST 到 PST 转换器快速转换无法使用的 Outlook (.OST)文件到个人存储(.PST)文件,可用于微软Outlook。OST 文件是 Exchange 邮箱的副本,该邮箱本地存储在您的驱动器上,可帮助您在登录到服务器时加快 Exchange 邮箱的工作。如果发生电子邮件服务器崩溃或在服务器上删除邮箱帐户时, .OST 文件保留在用户计算机上。此 OST 到 PST 转换器工具将文件夹、邮件(包括包含文件附件的邮件)和所有嵌入信息恢复到可用。PST 文件。OST 到 PST 转换软件是系统管理员和系统维护公司的必有软件。这是一个易于使用和强大的工具,不需要任何技术技能操作。OST 到 PST 转换器解决了问题,如提取 ost 文件通讯簿, 打开 ost 文件没有服务器以及如何导入展望 ost 文件的前景,这是需要的情况下,用户失去连接, 服务器崩溃或用户帐户被删除.没有任何直接方法来导入 OST,首先您需要通过软件转换 OST 2 PST,然后完成所有操作,包括导入 OST。使用此转换 OST 文件软件的主要好处包括恢复所有 ost 对象, 可以转换密码保护或加密文件,恢复已删除的电子邮件附件,直观和图形丰富的界面,恢复的消息可以保存在主机操作系统可见的任何(包括网络)磁盘上的.pst文件格式,将 OST转换为PST为MS Outlook 2000,2002 和 2003,2007,2010,为单个 PST 文件创建唯一的配置文件。OST2PST 转换软件与 Windows 7、Vista、XP、2003、2000 和功能实时更新兼容,可获取软件的最新更新。您可以下载免费的 OST 到 PST 演示版本来测试输出并观看 OST PST 转换器的工作


  • 版本 4.5.1 发布于 2011-12-25
    OST 到 PST 转换器软件支持 Outlook 2010



OST to PST Converter Authorization Acceding OST to PST Converter Copyright 1995-2011 by Stellar Information Systems Ltd. All rights reserved. This authorization applies to the standard-licensed adaptation of OST to PST Converter . OST to PST Converter Authorization Stellar Information Systems Ltd. Your Acceding to this Authorization You should anxiously apprehend the afterward acceding and altitude afore using, installing or distributing this software, unless you accept a altered authorization acceding active by Stellar Information Systems Ltd. If you do not accede to all of the acceding and altitude of this License, then: do not copy, install, deliver or use any archetype of OST to PST Converter with which this Authorization is included, you may acknowledgment the complete amalgamation bare afterwards requesting an activation key, aural 30 canicule afterwards purchase, for a abounding acquittance of your payment. The acceding and altitude of this Authorization call the acceptable use and users of anniversary Licensed Archetype of OST to PST Converter . For purposes of this License, if you accept a accurate single-copy license, you accept the appropriate to use a individual Licensed Archetype of OST to PST Converter ; if you or your alignment has a accurate multi-user license, again you or your alignment accept - has the appropriate to use up to a amount of Licensed Copies of OST to PST Converter according to the amount of copies adumbrated in the abstracts issued by Stellar if acceding the license. Scope of Authorization Anniversary Licensed Archetype of OST to PST Converter may either be acclimated by a individual being or acclimated non-simultaneously by assorted humans who use the software alone installed on a individual workstation. This is not a circumstantial use license. All rights of any affectionate in OST to PST Converter , which are not especially accepted in this License, are absolutely and alone aloof to and by Stellar Information Systems Ltd. You may not rent, lease, modify, translate, about-face engineer, decompile, disassemble, or actualize acquired works based on, OST to PST Converter , nor admittance anyone abroad to do so. You may not accomplish admission to OST to PST Converter accessible to others in affiliation with a account bureau, appliance account provider, or agnate business, nor admittance anyone abroad to do so. Assurance Disclaimers and Liability Limitations. OST to PST Converter , and any and all accompanying software, files, abstracts and materials, are broadcast and provided AS IS and with no warranties of any kind, whether bidding or implied. In particular, there is no assurance for the superior of abstracts recovered. You accede that acceptable abstracts processing action dictates that any program, including OST to PST Converter , have to be thoroughly activated with non-critical abstracts afore there is any assurance on it, and you hereby accept the absolute accident of all use of the copies of OST to PST Converter covered by this License. This abnegation of assurance constitutes an capital allotment of this License. In addition, in no accident does Stellar accredit you or anyone abroad to use OST to PST Converter in applications or systems area OST to PST Converter 's abortion to accomplish can analytic be accepted to aftereffect in a cogent concrete injury, or in accident of life. Any such use is absolutely at your own risk, and you accede to authority Stellar controllable from any and all claims or losses apropos to such crooked use. General This Authorization is the complete account of the acceding amid the parties on the accountable matter, and merges and supersedes all added or above-mentioned understandings, acquirement orders, agreements and arrangements. This Authorization shall be absolute by the laws of the State of Delhi. Exclusive administration and area for all affairs apropos to this Authorization shall be in courts and fora amid in the State of Delhi, and you accord to such administration and venue. There are no third affair beneficiaries of any promises, obligations or representations fabricated by Stellar herein. Any abandonment by Stellar of any abuse of this Authorization by you shall not constitute, nor accord to, a abandonment by Stellar of any added or approaching abuse of the aforementioned provision, or any added provision, of this License. Copyright 1995-2011 by Stellar Information Systems Ltd. All rights reserved.