Panorama - Terrain Editor 1.0

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 4.81 MB
‎用户评分: 4.7/5 - ‎3 ‎评分

全景是一个地形或景观编辑器,在那里美丽的多纹理景观很容易。景观可以创建、绘制、光映射和导出。 该程序的特点是: 易于使用的窗口界面 在没有时间创建漂亮的地形 高达 8x8 64x64 段地形(大型地形) 当前导出到 Blitz3D (.b3d)、Directx (.x) 和波前 (.obj) 格式 添加任何纹理图层,以允许多纹理地形 为任何纹理图层设置 uv 纹理比例 使用平滑画笔绘制纹理 使用颜色绘制纹理图层,以具有虚拟未倾斜纹理组合 方形和椭圆形画笔形状 绘制和拖动雕刻方法 6 种不同的雕刻工具,包括: 方形工具 希尔工具 金字塔工具 噪音工具 水平工具 平滑工具 三种不同的摄像机导航模式,便于导航: 第一人称模式 轨道模式 平移模式 光映射器,以照亮地形,具有许多属性,例如: 太阳的方向和高度 太阳光色 环境光色 许多纹理大小 支持 2 倍乘混合模式 光图可以模糊为漂亮的软阴影外观 灯光图将自动保存,并应用于导出的地形 反转地形工具 平滑地形工具,即时平滑整个地形 填充地形工具,通过指定最小、最大高度和/或最小最大坡度角度,立即用纹理填充地形。 删除光照贴图,重新启用顶点光,并删除应用的光照贴图。 导入高度图,从高度地图文件创建地形,在第三方应用程序中创建 设置摄像机属性,如范围、颜色、雾范围等。 线框模式 包括 Blitz3D 加载功能,便于加载大型多网格地形


  • 版本 1.0 发布于 2005-09-27



PANORAMA - TERRAIN EDITOR SOFTWARE LICENSE: 1) GRANT OF LICENSE: JEPPE NIELSEN grants you a single, non-exclusive license to use the PANORAMA - TERRAIN EDITOR provided you agree to abide by the terms of this Agreement. Only one user is authorized to use the PANORAMA - TERRAIN EDITOR on one computer at a time (and not by more than one individual via a network). 2) OTHER RESTRICTIONS: You acknowledge that you do not become the owner of the PANORAMA - TERRAIN EDITOR (software, programs and/or documentation). You agree not to transfer, rent,lease, sub-license, reverse engineer, modify, translate, or share the PANORAMA - TERRAIN EDITOR, diskettes, or manual with any other person or firm. 3) LIMITED WARRANTY: While we have attempted to ensure the reliability of the PANORAMA - TERRAIN EDITOR, JEPPE NIELSEN cannot assume any liability for damage that occurs because of usage of this program, whether or not in accordance with the instructions or specifications. It is not possible to guarantee the programs performance under all circumstances, at all times, with all hardware and software configurations, and with any user data, programs, or series of commands. JEPPE NIELSEN warrants the diskette media and manual to be free from defects in materials or manufacture for a period of 30 days from your receipt. When you open this package or use the PANORAMA - TERRAIN EDITOR you indicate you accept this as the only warranty. You agree that regardless of the form of any claim, JEPPE NIELSENs liability for any damages or loss to you or anyone else shall not exceed the price paid for use of the program. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. Except for the warranty described in the above paragraph, there are no warranties expressed or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and all such warranties are expressly and specifically disclaimed. 4) NO LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES: In no event shall JEPPE NIELSEN or its suppliers, if any, be responsible for any special, incidental or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, business interruption, loss of information, or any other loss) arising out of the use or the inability to use this product, even if JEPPE NIELSEN has been advised of the possibility of such damage. Some states do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.