纯 JavaScript 代码组件,用于在 Web 或移动应用程序中的客户端生成 PDF。BytescoutPDF.js提供100%客户端PDF生成文本,图像,图形,链接,html格式。无需 Acrobat 或服务器端组件才能工作! 好处: * 免费用于非商业用途; * 100% 客户端 Javascript; * 适用于所有现代浏览器,包括互联网浏览器,火狐浏览器,Chrome浏览器,Safari,iOS Safari浏览器; * 旨在创建丰富的PDF报告与图像,表格和文本; * 允许添加书签(轮廓)树; * 支持链接(内部和外部); * 支持使用 HTML 格式的文本样式、字体大小、颜色、样式更改; * 5种不同的字体,支持粗体,用式,下划线样式和自动环绕; * 支持图像(来自URL)和画布上的图纸; * 可为PDF设置文件资料; * 可以流生成的PDF权到浏览器或作为附件下载; * 18个源代码样本复制和粘贴! * ...和更多。 安装非常简单:只需上传字节库.js网站或应用程序,并引用它,然后从 JavaScript 使用。已确认在 Chrome、 Safari 、 iphone iOS 、 Firefox 、 Opera 和互联网浏览器中工作!
- 版本 1.00.42 发布于 2012-04-20
纯 JavaScript 代码组件,用于在 Web 或移动应用程序中的客户端生成 PDF。使用不同的字体、字体样式、大小、图像和图形制作 PDF。该脚本旨在提供简单的方法来生成 PDF 发票与您的徽标图像,文本,表。
- 软件分类: 网络开发 > Java + Javascript
- 发布者: ByteScout, Inc
- 许可: 免费
- 价格: N/A
- 版本: 1.16.151
- 适用平台: windows
Agreement ByteScout ("ByteScout") provides bytescoutpdf.js script for Javascript, and optionally purchased source code ("Source Code"), and licenses its use for you ("Customer"). Customer agrees to all the terms and conditions of this agreement. License Grant ByteScout hereby grants to Customer a non transferable and non exclusive License to use Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement. Copyright This Software is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. ByteScout retains ownership of Software. ByteScout owns title and copyright to Software and accompanying documentation just as any copies made by Customer. Unauthorized copying of Software or the documentation will result in automatic termination of this license. Entire Agreement This document constitutes the entire agreement between ByteScout and Customer and may only be modified by a written document signed by both parties. Neither ByteScout nor Customer is bound by any oral agreement or presentation. I. Terms and Conditions A. ByteScout authorizes Customer to install and use Software on one single Customer owned web site if Customer purchased "1 Single Web Site License (non service) " license. No web services (SaaS) are allowed with this license. B. ByteScout authorizes Customer to install and use Software on multiple Customer owned web sites if Customer purchased "1 Multiple Web Sites License (web-sites running by one single company)" license. No web services (SaaS) are allowed with this license. C. ByteScout authorizes Customer to install and use Software on one single Customer owned one "software-as-a-service" (SaaS) product if Customer purchased "1 Single SaaS License (for use in one single web service application) " license. D. ByteScout authorizes Customer to install and use Software along with one single Customer owned desktop or mobile application if Customer purchased "1 Single Mobile or Desktop Application (html5 & javascript)" license. No web services (SaaS) are allowed with this license. E. Customer may not lease, rent, or resell Software or any derivative product which competes directly or indirectly with Software without prior written agreement of ByteScout. F. ByteScout does not authorize customer to modify Software Source Code. F. Customer may not distribute samples and documentation provided with Software. G. ByteScout reserves the right to modify Software without regard to Customer's own modifications or usage. II. Limited Warranty A. BYTESCOUT MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN FACT OR LAW, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. BYTESCOUT DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE OPERATION OF SOFTWARE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. B. CUSTOMER AGREES THAT ALL WARRANTIES ARE IMMEDIATELY NULL AND VOID IN THE EVENT OF MODIFICATION OR ALTERATION OF SOFTWARE. III. Limitation of Liability NOTWITHSTANDING THE FORM (E.G. CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) IN WHICH ANY LEGAL OR EQUITABLE ACTION MAY BE BROUGHT AGAINST BYTESCOUT, BYTESCOUT WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DAMAGES WHICH EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF THE LICENSE FEES PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT WILL BYTESCOUT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, WHETHER ARISING FROM TORT OR CONTRACT, INCLUDING LOSS OF DATA, LOST PROFITS, COST OF COVER OR OTHER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SOFTWARE OR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION, HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY. THIS LIMITATION WILL APPLY EVEN IF BYTESCOUT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE LICENSE FEE REFLECTS THIS ALLOCATION OF RISK. IV. Governing Law This Agreement will be construed, interpreted and governed by the laws of United States. All trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners. Customer: _________________________ Date: ________ (Signature) ______________________________________ (Print Name) Address: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________