个人进步档案(PPF)旨在帮助为联合王国的国家成就记录创作、维护和印刷作品集。它非常容易使用,专为完全的计算机新手而设计。用户甚至不需要保存他们的文件,它是自动完成的。事实上,该软件加载了故障安全功能,以防止数据丢失。其他易于使用的功能包括拼写检查器和打印预览显示。 该软件的一个关键特点是它能够自动格式化和打印在官方预打印的NRA图纸上。 此个人版可免费供家庭使用。另一个版本是可用的,设计用于多用户环境,如学校,学院和培训网站在英国。在任一版本中创建的文件是完全可互换的,因此,例如,在学校准备文件的用户可以在 floopy 磁盘上将文件带回家,然后使用自由软件对其进行编辑,反之亦然。
- 版本 1.4.01a PE 发布于 2000-06-12
- 软件分类: 教育 > 其他
- 发布者: MiRaGe Audio Visual Media
- 许可: 免费
- 价格: N/A
- 版本: 1.4.01A
- 适用平台: windows
1. This Personal Edition of Personal Progress File software is protected by copyright laws. It may be used free of charge in the user's own home only. 2. You must not attempt to plagiarize, disassemble, discompile or modify the software. 3. The software and associated information is provided 'as is', the author accepts no responsibility for loss or damage of any nature arising either directly or indirectly from its use or misuse. No warranty of any kind is given relating to the accuracy or suitability of this software or associated information for any particular purpose. 4. In the event of any dispute all parties will submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of law of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 5. In the absence of any specific agreement to the contrary, technical support is NOT normally available for this product. 6. By using this software you agree to be bound by these conditions.