Pics2Phones 1.31

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Pics2Phone 是一款易于使用的 Windows 应用程序,可让您增强和个性化照片,调整照片大小,并快速将其传输到手机、PDA 或任何移动设备。Pics2Phone 可让您将高质量、高冲击力的图像传输到手机,而不是从使用手机相机拍摄的低质量照片中创建壁纸。Pics2Phone 支持 500 种不同的移动设备,可跟踪每台设备的图像大小和分辨率,因此,在裁剪和增强照片时,您不必与细节搏斗。只需告诉 Pics2Phone 您正在使用什么手机,软件会自动创建相应的图像。Pics2Phone 可以与任何图像本地或互联网或使用图片 2Phone 中包含的剪贴画在线库。Pics2Phone 拥有广泛的图像增强工具,可将普通照片转换为令人难忘的照片。您可以添加任何大小或颜色的文本,缩放和裁剪图像,并调整其亮度、对比度和饱和度。反转、翻转或旋转图片非常简单。以您选择的样式和颜色添加自定义相框。您甚至可以将彩色照片转换为古董棕褐色色调的图像。通过程序的无限撤消/重做功能,您可以尝试不同的效果,并立即纠正您的错误 Pics2Phone 提供两种方式来传输您的图片到您的手机。使用数据线或无线设备(如蓝牙)。 Pics2Phone 也支持 WAP 传输。该软件将上传你的照片到图片2Phone网络服务器。然后将图像下载到您的移动设备上,使用 Pics2Phone 网络服务器无需付费。您的图像将在 Web 服务器上保留数天,允许您的朋友和家人下载您的自定义图像,如果您想要在手机上创建令人惊叹的图像,而无需支付每张图片服务费,Pics2Phone 拥有适合您的工具。


  • 版本 1.31 发布于 2004-12-14



This Freeware License is a binding legal agreement between the individual who downloads and/or Installs the Software ('You') and Datex Systems. THIS SOFTWARE IS COPYRIGHTED AND DATEX SYSTEMS CLAIMS ALL EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO SUCH SOFTWARE, EXCEPT AS LICENSED TO USERS HEREUNDER AND SUBJECT TO STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS FREEWARE LICENSE. IMPORTANT--READ THESE TERMS CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE. BY INSTALLING OR USING THIS SOFTWARE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT, THAT YOU UNDERSTAND IT, AND BY INSTALLING OR USING PIC2PHONES SOFTWARE (THE "SOFTWARE"), YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY AND BECOME A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT AND THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, AS THE "LICENSEE." IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU MUST NOT CLICK THE "ACCEPT" BUTTON, YOU MUST NOT INSTALL OR USE THE PRODUCT, AND YOU DO NOT BECOME A LICENSEE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. LICENCE TERMS FOR PICS2PHONES V1.00 FREEWARE VERSION (for the purposes of this licence document henceforth known as 'the Software') 1. Datex Systems grants you a non-exclusive license to use the Downloaded Software subject to Your compliance with all of the terms and conditions of this Freeware License. 2. You may only use the Software on a single computer that you own, lease or control. You may make one backup copy of the Software for your own use to replace the primary copy in the event of hard-drive failure or other unavailability of the primary copy. The backup copy shall retain all copyright notices. 3. You are only granted a license for the machine-readable, object code portion of the Software. You will not modify, enhance, reverse engineer or otherwise alter the Software from its current state. 4. You may not use the Software for multiple users or on a local area network without written consent from Datex Systems. 5. You may not distribute, copy, publish, assign, sell, bargain, convey, transfer, pledge, lease or grant any further rights to use the Software. 6. You will not have any proprietary rights in and to the Software. You acknowledge and agree that Datex Systems retains all copyrights and other proprietary rights in and to the Software. 7. Your licence to use the Software shall be revocable by Datex Systems upon written notice to you. This licence shall automatically terminate upon your violation of the terms hereof or upon your use of the Software beyond the scope of the licence provided herein. 8. Use within the scope of this license is free of charge and no royalty or licensing fees shall be payable by you. Use beyond the scope of this licence license shall constitute copyright infringement. 9. This license shall be effective and bind you upon your downloading of the Software. 10. You accept the Software on an 'AS IS' and with all faults basis. No representations and warranties are made to you regarding any aspect of the Software. 11. DATEX SYSTEMS HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATIVE TO THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTIBILITY. DATEX SYSTEMS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INJURIES OR LIABILITIES CAUSED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY FROM THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES. 12. This Licence Agreement shall be construed, interpreted and governed by the laws of the County of South Yorkshire South United Kingdom. without regard to conflicts of law provisions thereof. The exclusive forum for any disputes arising out of or relating to this Licence Agreement shall be an appropriate national/federal or state court sitting in the County of South Yorkshire, United Kingdom. This Licence Agreement shall constitute the entire Agreement between the parties hereto. Any waiver or modification of this Licence Agreement shall only be effective if it is in writing and signed by both parties hereto. If any part of this Licence Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Licence Agreement shall be interpreted so as to reasonably effect the intention of the parties. 13. Datex Systems's failure to enforce any rights here under or its copyright in the Software shall not be construed as amending this agreement or waiving any of Datex Systems's rights hereunder or under any provision of United Kingdom law. 14. Availability of user created content uploaded to the Pics2Phones Web Site from the SOFTWARE is not guaranteed. User created media will be removed after a minimum period of 72 hours. Therefore, users should make sure that they save a local copy of any content created with the SOFTWARE. Datex Systems will not be held responsible for any losses caused by content being removed from the Pics2Phones Web Site or the Web site being unavailable for any reason whatsoever. Copyright Datex Systems 2004 Datex Systems Unit 4/5 Lion Park. Holbrook Industrial Estate Sheffield. S20 3GH. South Yorkshire. United Kingdom .+44 114 247 0242 [email protected]