Pistonsoft BPM Detector 1.0

许可: 免费 ‎文件大小: 815.66 KB
‎用户评分: 3.7/5 - ‎3 ‎评分

您是DJ,专业的声音工程师,还是只是在家里的录音室制作音轨?制作节奏还是创造和谐的音乐序列?通过即时查看调子每分钟的节拍数 (BPM),使任务更轻松! 一个才华横溢的DJ直观地知道曲调的节奏,但即使是最有经验的专业人士也不能知道一切。有无数的歌曲由各种艺术家和在众多的风格,有成千上万的新曲调发布每个月。人根本不可能把他们都放在心上! 但是如果你有计划呢?如果你需要一个缓慢的旋律,然后是激情的舞蹈,然后是充满活力的节奏,然后是:你得到的想法。想安全地播放它, 把同样的破旧歌曲再次, 或冒险, 并带来一点新鲜空气与新的曲调? 如果您使用 Pistonsoft BPM 探测器,没有破坏您的总体规划的风险!这个免费的音频工具扫描您的整个歌曲集合,并检测每分钟的节拍次数,这给出了一个想法,如何平静或多么充满活力的曲调。Pistonsoft BPM 分析器可以在其方便的浏览器式界面中快速显示数字,但大多数人更喜欢将此信息保存为调子的元标签。你最终会有所有的MP3与ID3v2标签,包含BPM号码 - 易于访问和显示您最喜爱的点唱机! 您是音响工程师还是 SFX 制作人?Pistonsoft BPM 探测器可像处理 MP3 歌曲一样轻松地检测任何音频样本的 BPM 速率。如果您只需要几秒钟的每个样本,Pistonsoft BPM 探测器可以轻松地设置为仅扫描几秒钟。 有一个大的音乐收藏?没关系!Pistonsoft BPM 探测器速度很快,平均每次 PC 每分钟扫描数百个文件。有一个巨大的集合?不要害怕!配置 BPM 分析器,只需扫描每首歌曲的前几秒钟,即可立即扫描 BPM 收藏!


  • 版本 1.0 发布于 2008-02-27



The Pistonsoft BPM Detector is distributed as freeware. This is a legal Agreement between you (either an single individual or an entity, herein referred to as Licensee) and Piston Software Company (herein after referred to as Licensor). By installing this software (herein after referred to as Product), you indicate your acceptance of this Agreement. PISTON SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT 1. GRANT OF LICENSE. 1.1 Licensor grants you a non-exclusive royalty-free license to make as many copies of the Product accompanying this agreement as you want. 1.2 You may use the accompanying Product free of charge. 1.3 You shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the Product except as provided in this Agreement. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this Agreement. 1.4 You may transfer and distribute the Product in its unmodified form via electronic means to another persons so long as their use of the Product will be strictly for the purpose of evaluation. 1.5 You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations for copies of the Product, distributing the Product with any other products without Licensors prior written permission. 2. WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. The Licensor hereby disclaims all warranties of any kind relating to the Product, whether express or implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The Licensee must assume the entire risk of using the Product.