通过电源点到闪存转换器,任何人都可以轻松创建专业的闪存演示文稿,点击几下。借助 PPT2Flash Pro,您可以轻松地将旁白、动画、互动、测验和模拟添加到演示文稿中,并吸引观众。智能闪存创作工具允许任何人通过将 PowerPoint 转换为闪存,无需技术技能,从 PowerPoint 创建闪存。只需 3 个步骤,即可通过直观的用户界面从 PowerPoint 创建专业闪存和电子学习课程。
- 版本 3.6.7 发布于 2010-08-29
1. 支持尺寸的幻灯片(GIF、JPG、BMP)的缩略图生成。 {*} - 版本 3.6 发布于 2010-08-13
- 软件分类: 发展 > 组件和库
- 发布者: PowerPoint FLASH COM SDK
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $399.00
- 版本: 3.6.7
- 适用平台: windows
Single Product/Service based Licensing We provide a ''Single License'' to ''Single Service/Product''. You are limited to use the Single License under your Single Service or Product. So, if you have two different Products/Services, then you would have to buy two license keys. But you are free to use a single license for as many copies of the product/ service for which you have purchased the License Key. The exclusive selling of the PPT2SWF SDK without it being integrated into product/service is not permitted. Unlimited Redistribution/ Royalty Free License and other Fees You are free to redistribute, as many PPT2SWF SDK incorporated copies of your product or service. Company provides royalty free licensing, you don''t have to pay any fee or royalty to redistribute your products or services which incorporate PPT2SWF Components. We do not charge any yearly or monthly fee. Further information can be found in our license agreement or in the download section.