渴望看到未来?不用等二十年,看看你们或你的朋友会是什么样子!一张照片是您窥视未来的全部需求。只要把你的照片放进预言大师, 看到你的脸立即老化。不相信这行得通吗?挖掘你父母和祖父母的旧照片, 把它们放进预言大师, 看到他们的脸变成他们这个年龄! 预言大师是一个完美的幽默感测试。测试你的朋友的幽默感,向他们展示他们的脸20岁,并观察他们的反应!还是拍个孩子的照片,看看他们二十多岁的样子! 厌倦了一个令人恼火的女朋友?想尽一切让她离开, 但惨败了?预言大师是甩掉女朋友最简单的方法, 永远!只要和预言大师一起把脸长 20 年, 给她看, 她就不用再三考虑就离开你!预言大师是一个完美的算命师,准备招待你几个小时。通过打印或通过电子邮件发送结果与朋友分享您的实验,获得更多乐趣! 预言大师中使用的技术是多年研究的结果。在预言大师中实现的面部识别技术被专业工作室和设计师使用,技术非常先进,无论原著的质量如何,它们都可以老化任何人脸。拍一张自己的老照片,并获得你目前的外观在片刻 - 无论原始图片是彩色或黑白,划伤,或褪色。
- 版本 1.01 发布于 2009-04-10
-已修复兼容性问题 - 版本 1.0 发布于 2008-09-03
- 软件分类: 图形应用 > 动画工具
- 发布者: Luxand Development
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $19.95
- 版本: 1.01
- 适用平台: windows
All copyrights to ProphecyMaster are exclusively owned by the company - Luxand, Inc. Luxand, Inc hereby grants you a non-exclusive, transferable license to use its software product and accompanying documentationon the following terms and only for non-commercial purposes. ProphecyMaster may be freely distributed, provided the distribution package is not modified, without written permission from the copyright holder. You may not clone, rent, lease, sell, modify the software. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution. This Agreement will remain in effect for 1 year following the download of the Software. At the end of this period, delete or destroy your copy of the software and obtain a new copy from Luxand, Inc. PROPHECYMASTER IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS". NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. YOU USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. Installing and using ProphecyMaster signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove ProphecyMaster files from your storage devices and cease to use the software. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.