公共邮件 2 Outlook 联系人是微软 Outlook 的免费软件加载项。它从现有电子邮件生成 Outlook 联系人,并验证电子邮件地址是否已作为 Outlook 联系人存在。充足的筛选器可防止公共邮件 2 联系人在转换过程中在 Outlook 中创建双倍。使用单个黑名单筛选器允许排除特定的电子邮件地址、域或后缀。这有助于避免在转换过程中持续可视化相同的域或电子邮件地址。公共邮件 2 联系人兼容 Outlook、公共共享文件夹或 Microsoft Exchange 服务器的所有版本。特别是 Outlook、公共共享文件夹和 Exchange 的用户想要从多个电子邮件文件夹中转换数据,他们可以选择具有子文件夹的完整文件夹。使用特殊编辑器,可以根据不同的条件对从 Outlook 导入的所有电子邮件地址进行排序。排序条件可能是电子邮件地址、域、名称、电子邮件数或后缀。这样,您就会看到哪个联系人发送了大多数电子邮件,从哪个域或公司大多数电子邮件进来,或者您可以根据国家/地区对联系人进行分组,因为后缀 (.de,.at,.co.uk,..com 等) 也可以用作此 Outlook 加载项的排序标准,然后再将联系人转换为 Outlook。公共邮件 2 联系人是一个非常有用的 Outlook 附加组件,用于准备新闻稿和电子邮件流量的统计分析。许多联系人丢失,因为很难有效地将联系人数据从电子邮件导入 Outlook。谁知是哪个联系人发送了多少封电子邮件,从而消耗了最大的时间?此 Outlook 加载项的灵感来自每日体验:它可以帮助您最有效地将电子邮件地址从数千封电子邮件传输到 Outlook。公共邮件 2 Outlook 联系人是免费软件,并集成在 Microsoft Outlook 作为附加产品。
- 版本 1.2 发布于 2007-01-05
支持: Windows 2008, Windows 7, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010 - 版本 1.2 发布于 2006-05-15
SDMD FINAL USER LICENSE CONTRACT FOR SOFTWARE IMPORTANT - PLEASE CAREFULLY HARVESTS: This SDMD Licence Agreement ("SDMDEL") is a legal contract between you, either as natural or legal person, and the SDMD GmbH., Hamburg ("licensor") for the above named SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT includes Computer software, the appropriate media, printed materials, as far as existing, as well as possibly "on-line" or electronic documentations. In that you install the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, copies or uses otherwise, You declare yourself in agreement to be bound this "SDMDELs" by the conditions. If you don't agree of this "SDMDELs" to the regulations, you are not justifiable to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT becomes as well as through copyright laws and international copyright contracts protected also as through other laws and agreements about intellectual property. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is not sold but is not licensed. License granting This "SDMDEL" grants you following rights: You/they are justifiable, either a copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or to install every preceding version intended for the same operating system at his/its place on one single computer (central processing unit, CPU) and to use. You/they also are justifiable to store a copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT of a storage device, like for example a network server, or to install provided this is only used for installing the SOFTWARE PRODUCT over an internal network on your other computer or executing. However, you/they are indebted to it, for each computer, on which the SOFTWARE PRODUCT of the storage device installs or is executed, to acquire a license, that is applicable specifically to this computer. A license for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is not allowed to share from several users or used simultaneously from different computers. Further rights and limitations o lapels engineering, recompiled and reassembled of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is not allowed. This is valid however only insofar, as not the in each case applicable right such a possibility despite this restriction specifically allowed. o The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed as one single product. You/they are not justifiable, whose to separate components in order to use her/it/them at more than a computer. o is not you justifiable to rent the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or - leases. o is you indebted to retain all copyright indications of all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. o is not you justifiable to pass on copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to third. o is you justifiable to transfer all your right from this "SDMDEL" permanently. You only have this right if the transfer licensed copies(n in the context of a lasting transfer of your valid one(s), of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT takes place, that the registration card transferred you together with all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and the entire written accompanying material and the recipient declared himself in agreement with the regulations of this contract. Copyright The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is property of the licensor and protected through copyright laws, international contracts and other national legal rules. If the SOFTWARE product is not equipped with a technical protection against copying, you can either make one single copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT for protection or archiving or the SOFTWARE PRODUCT of one single hard disk figurative, provided you store the original exclusively for protection or archiving. You/they can neither copy the written material of the product more written accompanying material to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The licensor especially keeps all for himself publication, duplication, treatment and utilization rights to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT before. Limited guarantee The licensor guarantees for a time period of 12 months from purchase date that essentially the SOFTWARE product in accordance with the enclosed product handbook, handbook provided existing, works and that these are flawless in the material implementation at the time of the transfer of the data carriers, on which the software is recorded, under normal business conditions. For the prominent named reasons, the licensor doesn't take over any liability for errors of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT including the contained data. Especially the licensor doesn't take over any assurance that the SOFTWARE PRODUCT including the contained data suffices your requests and purposes or works together use programs with others of you. The responsibility for the correct selection and the consequences of the use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT as well as this with it intended or produced prices, you carry. The same is applicable to the written material enclosed the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. The licensor is not liable for damages, it then is that a damage was caused by resolution or coarse negligence on the part of the licensor. Because of a liability possibly from the licensor of assured qualities remains untouched. A liability for lack consequence damages, that are not included by the assurance, is impossible. Consequence damages The licensor is not for any damages, damages from escaped profits, business interruptions, are fully implied liability-y for losses of commercial information, data or other financial losses, that are created on the basis of the use of this software, even if the licensor was informed about the possibility of such a damage. In any case, the liability of the licensor is limited on the amount, that the acquirer actually paid for the product and is limited in time for 12 month, beginning with the day you received the license number . This exclusion is not applicable to damages, that were caused by resolution or coarse negligence on sides of the licensor. Also, claims, that are based on inalienable legal rules about the product liability, remain untouched. Compensation You/they are liable for all damages on the basis of from copyright injury, that occurs for the licensor from an injury of these contract regulations. Fulfilment place, valid right, Fulfilment place is Hamburg. It is worth the right of the Federal Republic of Germany. As far as individual regulations of these contract conditions are ineffective or become, the legal effectiveness of the remaining regulations should not be touched from this. The one, legally allowable regulation or handling should be valid instead of the ineffective regulation, that the striven for purpose legally and economically so near as possible comes. If you have any questions about this contract or would like to sit down in connection for any reason with the licensor, then, you please apply yourself: SDMD GmbH Systemhaus Digitale Medien Designer GmbH Musilweg 3 21079 Hamburg Tel.: +49 (0)40 76 41 75 20 Fax: +49 (0)40 70 10 31 35 email: [email protected] http://www.publicshareware.com This serves later support under most different surroundings. This is a component of the SDMDEL and is acknowledged by the license taker with Read/Accept of the SDMDEL. This is applicable also to test versions. copyright of 2004, 2005, 2006 SDMD GmbH, Hamburg, Public Public ShareFolder Public Shareware Public SyncTool Public Look Public Mail 2 Contact Public Contact After Reply Public Web PST DocMessageClass Public Waste Contact Killer Public Duplicate Eraser Public Reminder Public Categories are registered trademarks of Europe of the SDMD GmbH SDMD GmbH, Musilweg 3, D-21079 Hamburg copyright 1995-2007 Microsoft Corp. Microsoft and Outlook are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corp. All other trademarks are property of the respective manufacturers. All rights reservations.