Pure Flat 2013 - Basic Set - Free 1.0

许可: 免费 ‎文件大小: 2.47 MB
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18个免费的平坦股票图标的Windows应用程序功能区和工具栏。该样式是纯正的,平坦的,简单化,纯色,使其适合 Windows 8 和 Office 2013 风格的应用程序。如果大小与 Windows 应用程序的功能区和工具栏兼容,但也可用于网站、插图和移动应用程序。 图标的大小为 16x16、20x20、24x24、32x32、40x40、48x48、64x64 和超大套 256x256。所有格式都提供普通、热和禁用状态。可用的文件格式是 PNG、ICO 和 BMP(仅适用于 PNG 格式为 256x256)。图标大小符合创建 DPI 感知应用程序(96-DPI 到 192-DPI 屏幕)的 Microsoft 规范。 像素密度已设置为 96 PPI,使图标与最新的 Microsoft .NET 开发平台(如 Windows 演示基金会或 Silverlight)兼容。它们还与 MFC C++、BCGControlBar 库或 Codejock Xtreme 工具包Pro)等用户界面库兼容。 使用叠加制作自己的图标:叠加是添加到图标以说明操作或状态的小图像,例如"新增、添加、删除、信息"。为了满足您的所有需求,还提供单独的叠加图像。这允许您创建所需的所有衍生工具与自己的图形编辑器或与夏利斯图标工作商店 基本集的 PRO 版本可在 Axialis 网站上找到。该集提供 1,500 个唯一图标。 纯平 2013 系列由几组组成: 基本集 (1500 图标), 数据库集 (869 图标), 业务集 (1713 图标), 多媒体集 (1237 图标), 文字处理集 (1298 图标), 用户管理集 (1922 图标), 成像集 (1132 图标), 硬件 & 网络集 (1858 图标), Web & 电子邮件集 (1780 图标), 电子表格集 (948 图标), 开发集 (1659 图标), 医疗集 (1809 图标), 运输和物流集 (1922 图标), 安全集 (1682 图标) 和更多要发布.


  • 版本 1.0 发布于 2014-10-23



Axialis Stock Icons - Free Version - Licensing Terms ======================================== Icons included in the Free Version are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). It means that you can use them in any project or website, commercially or not. Restrictions are: (a) you must keep the credits of the authors: "Axialis Team", even if you modify them; (b) link to us if you use them on your website (read "read_me_first.html" in the distribution package). COPYRIGHT/OWNERSHIP The icons are proprietary products of AXIALIS and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. The icons are licensed and not sold. You acquire only the right to use the icons and do not acquire any rights, express or implied, in the icons other than those specified in this License. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES The icons are supplied "AS IS". AXIALIS disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using the icons. DISCLAIMER OF DAMAGES AXIALIS assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the icons, even if AXIALIS has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Any liability of the seller will be limited to refund the purchase price.