RapidXLL_NET 1.252

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RapidXLL_NET从 C/C++创建 Excel 外接程序、net 包装C++。 专注于您的业务。 微风穿过包装。(tm) 节省时间和金钱。新的和有经验的 .NET / 外接程序开发人员通过使用 RapidXLL 节省宝贵的编码、调试、开发、部署和维护时间。 尝试RapidXLL_NET风险。立即下载您的副本。 示例外接程序和 .NET 应用程序在几分钟内编译并运行。 在一小时内观看在 Excel / .NET 中运行的库。 运行时部署是免费的。 您可以免费重新分发自己的外接程序 Royalte 的编译运行时版本。 如果您有任何疑问,请购买您的 RapidXLL 副本或与我们联系。 真诚 RapidXLL 团队 [email protected]


  • 版本 1.252 发布于 2006-12-18
    新版本: Excel / .NET / HTML



BREEZEWAY SOFTWARE CORPORATION RAPIDXLL LICENSE AGREEMENT Please read carefully: THIS IS A LICENSE AND NOT AN AGREEMENT FOR SALE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, YOU SHOULD NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL THE SOFTWARE. RapidXLLTM automatically converts C/C++ into: Excel Add-Ins, .NET Libraries, and HTML Documentation. Copyright (c) BreezeWay Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. By using and installing BreezeWay Software Corporations Software or, where applicable, choosing the "I ACCEPT..." option at the end of the License you indicate that you have read, understood, and accepted the terms and conditions of the License. If the Software is already downloaded or installed, you should promptly cease using the Software in any manner and destroy all copies of the Software in your possession. You, the user, assume all responsibility for the selection of the Software to achieve your intended results and for the installation, use and results obtained from the Software. If you have any questions concerning this, you may contact the RapidXLL(tm) team via email at [email protected]. This RapidXLL License ("License") is made between BreezeWay Software Corporation ("BreezeWay") as licensor, and you, as licensee, as of the date of your first use of the Software (the Software is in use on a computer when it is loaded into the RAM or installed into the permanent memory (e.g., hard disk or other storage device) of that computer.). This License reflects BreezeWays intent to retain full ownership of and control of the use and distribution of RapidXLL, the License Key (as hereinafter defined), installers, libraries and other applicable software (collectively the "Software"). 1. License Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, BreezeWay grants to you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and limited license to use the Software solely on one computer to create, compile, test and deploy (in object code form to other computers), your own application programs ("Works"). You may create redistributable applications based on your unique development work using the Software and you may sublicense to end users of such Works ("End Users") the personal, non-exclusive right to install and execute the files, and/or libraries that are necessary to use the Works created using the Software. Use of such files and/or libraries by such End Users is limited to runtime purposes only. Such End Users may only use the redistributable portion of the Software ("Redistributable"). You may not provide any End User with access to the non-trial development or interactive capabilities of the Software libraries or technology. You may not modify, reverse engineer, decompile, decrypt, extract or otherwise disassemble the Software. You may not sell, license, sub-license, lend, lease, rent, share, assign, transmit, telecommunicate, export, distribute or otherwise transfer the Software to others, except as expressly permitted in this License Agreement or in another agreement with BreezeWay. In order to use the Software after the evaluation (trial) period you will be required to pay license fee to BreezeWay, obtain a License Key, and agree to this License Agreement for the use of the Software. You will not disclose or provide access to your License Key to any other person or entity. You must comply with all applicable U.S. export control laws in your use of the Software. When you pay the license fee established by BreezeWay, you will receive a license key (the "License Key") from BreezeWay that authorizes you to use the Software only in the following specific contexts: (i) Trial (Evaluation) Use. Your default License (acquired by installing and using the Software) authorizes a 30 day trial. Use you may use the Software only for evaluation purposes without payment of the any License fee. This Trial License does not allow you to deploy your Works for use on other computer systems. You are not permitted to sell, lease, distribute, transfer, sublicense, or otherwise dispose of the Software, in whole or in part, for any form of actual or potential commercial gain or consideration except that you may distribute the original msi installation file, as supplied by BreezeWay, for another individuals trial (evaluation) use of the Software as long as you do not charge more than a nominal fee to cover the costs of materials. (ii) Commercial Use. If your License Key authorizes Commercial Use, you may use the software on one computer; the Key is tied to your hardware profile. You will obtain a separate license for each additional computer using the Software (whether or not such systems are connected on a network). You may make only one copy of the Software for archival or backup purposes. You may deploy your Works along with the redistributable portion of the Software. All files in the redistributable portion of the Software must be deployed to the same location. The redistributable portion of the Software consists of these THREE files: RapidXLLPublicRapidXLL.dll RapidXLLPublicRapidXLL_NET.dll RapidXLLPublicRapidXLL_License.txt The user should have the MicroSoft .NET redistributable in order to use .NET applications. Two additional files MicroSoft library dlls, freely redistributable and usually located in C:windowssystem32, may be required. They are placed in the same directory in case the user is missing these standard libraries: RapidXLLPublicMSVCP71.DLL RapidXLLPublicMSVCR71.DLL Other than as specified above, you are not permitted to sell, lease, distribute, transfer, sublicense, or otherwise dispose of the Software, in whole or in part, for any form of actual or potential commercial gain or consideration except that you may distribute the original msi installation file, as supplied by BreezeWay, for another individuals trial (evaluation) use of the Software as long as you do not charge more than a nominal fee to cover the costs of materials. (iii) Non-commercial Use. If your License Key authorizes Non-commercial Use, you may use the software in a teaching or learning environment only. You are not permitted to sell, lease, distribute, transfer, sublicense, or otherwise dispose of the Software, in whole or in part, for any form of actual or potential commercial gain or consideration. This License does not allow you to deploy your Works for any form of actual or potential commercial gain or consideration except that you may distribute the original msi installation file, as supplied by BreezeWay, for another individuals trial (evaluation) use of the Software as long as you do not charge more than a nominal fee to cover the costs of materials. (iv) Other Use. Any use of the software other than the uses specified above requires a separate license from BreezeWay and the payment of additional license fees as determined by BreezeWay. Such additional redistribution options are available, at BreezeWays sole discretion, on a case-by-case basis. Contact [email protected] to discuss any redistribution options not covered by this license agreement. BreezeWay reserves all rights not expressly granted to you herein. You are aware that the Key is tied to your computers hardware profile and that the "fingerprint" you send to acquire a key encodes information about your computer. This information cannot be used to identify you and will only be used to generate an appropriate Key for your use. The computer information encoded may include information such as your OS product key, hard drive serial number, PC manufacturer, operating system version, OS product ID, PC BIOS information, your network ID or address. This information cannot be used to identify you. 2. Transfer and Restrictions on Use. You may not modify, reverse engineer, decompile, decrypt, extract or otherwise disassemble the Software. You may not sell, license, sub-license, lend, lease, rent, share, assign, transmit, telecommunicate, export, distribute or otherwise transfer the Software to others, except as expressly permitted in this License Agreement or in another agreement with BreezeWay. In order to use the Software after the evaluation (trial) period you will be required to pay license fee to BreezeWay, obtain a License Key, and agree to this License Agreement for the use of the Software. You will not disclose or provide access to your License Key to any other person or entity. In addition: (i) YOU SHOULD NOT USE THE SOFTWARE TO DESIGN, CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, OR MAINTAIN NUCLEAR FACILITIES, LIFE SUPPORT OR OTHER MEDICAL EQUIPMENT, MANUFACTURING OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, WEAPONS SYSTEMS, AIRCRAFT OR NAUTICAL NAVIGATION OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEMS, OR FOR ANY OTHER APPLICATION WHERE HUMAN LIFE OR PROPERTY MAY BE AT STAKE. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT THE SOFTWARE IS NOT DESIGNED FOR SUCH PURPOSES AND THAT ITS FAILURE(S) IN SUCH CASES COULD LEAD TO DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE FOR WHICH BREEZEWAY SOFTWARE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE; (ii) You may NOT use, acquire, ship, transport, export, or re-export the Software, except as authorized by Licensor and as permitted by applicable law. In particular, but without limitation, the Software may not be acquired, shipped, transported, exported, or re-exported (1) into (or to a national or resident of) any U.S. embargoed country or (2) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Departments list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Department of Commerces Table of Denial Orders. You represent and warrant that you are not located in, under control of, or a national or resident of any such country or on any such list; 3. Termination. This License Agreement is effective until terminated. BreezeWay may terminate this License immediately and without prior notice if you breach any term of this License. In the event of any termination or expiration, you agree to immediately destroy and/or erase the original and all copies of the Software, any accompanying documentation and License Keys and to discontinue their use and you will not retain or store the Software or any copies thereof, in any form or medium. 4. Proprietary Rights. The Software is licensed, not sold, to you. BreezeWay reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. Ownership of the Software and its associated proprietary rights, including but not limited to patent and patent applications, are retained by BreezeWay. The Software is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and by international treaties. You must comply with such laws and treaties in your use of the Software. You agree not to remove any of BreezeWays copyright, trademarks and other proprietary notices from the Software. 5. Distribution. Except as may be expressly allowed in Section 1, or as otherwise agreed to in a written agreement signed by both you and BreezeWay, you will not distribute the Software, either in whole or in part, in any form or medium for any form of actual or potential commercial gain or consideration except that you may distribute the original msi installation file, as supplied by BreezeWay, for another individuals trial (evaluation) use of the Software as long as you do not charge more than a nominal fee to cover the costs of materials. 6. NO WARRANTY. BREEZEWAY MAKES NO WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER REGARDING THE SOFTWARE AND IN PARTICULAR, DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE WILL FUNCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION IN EVERY OR ANY COMBINATION OF HARDWARE PLATFORM OR SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT OR CONFIGURATION, OR BE COMPATIBLE WITH EVERY OR ANY COMPUTER SYSTEM. IF THE SOFTWARE IS DEFECTIVE FOR ANY REASON, YOU WILL ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS. USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND ANY WORKS THEREFROM IS ENTIRELY AT YOUR SOLE RISK. LICENSOR, ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, AGENTS, AFFILIATES, AND ASSIGNS (COLLECTIVELY, "LICENSOR ENTITIES") AND THEIR OWN LICENSORS DO NOT REPRESENT THAT THE SOFTWARE OR ANY WORKS THEREFROM IS APPROPRIATE OR AVAILABLE FOR USE OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES. THE LICENSOR ENTITIES AND THEIR LICENSORS EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY WRITTEN OR ORAL REPRESENTATIONS WHICH CONTRADICT THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. IF THE SOFTWARE OR ANY WORKS THEREFROM PROVES DEFECTIVE, YOU (AND NOT THE LICENSOR ENTITIES OR THEIR LICENSORS) ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY REPAIR TO THE SOFTWARE OR TO YOUR COMPUTER SYSTEMS, CORRECTION OF INACCURATE DATA, OR INJURY OF ANY KIND, EVEN IF THE LICENSOR ENTITIES OR THEIR LICENSORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH A DEFECT OR DAMAGE. 7. DISCLAIMER. BREEZEWAY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE FROM BUGS, DEFECTS, ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS AND BREEZEWAY MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS (OF ANY KIND), EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE OR ANY ACCOMPANYING ITEMS INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, IN WHICH CASE THE ABOVE EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. 8. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. BREEZEWAY WILL HAVE NO LIABILITY OR OBLIGATION FOR ANY DAMAGES OR REMEDIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE COST OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS, LOST DATA, LOST PROFITS, LOST REVENUES OR ANY OTHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, GENERAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF THIS LICENSE OR THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE OR WORKS THEREFROM. IN NO EVENT WILL BREEZEWAYS TOTAL AGGREGATE LIABILITY (WHETHER IN CONTRACT (INCLUDING FUNDAMENTAL BREACH), WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFRINGEMENT OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY) WITH REGARD TO THE SOFTWARE AND/OR THIS LICENSE EXCEED (COLLECTIVELY) $1.00 US. FURTHER, BREEZEWAY WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DELAY OR FAILURE TO PERFORM ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER THIS LICENSE AS A RESULT OF ANY CAUSES OR CONDITIONS BEYOND BREEZEWAYS REASONABLE CONTROL. 9. Support and Software Updates. Licensor may elect to provide you with customer support and/or software upgrades, enhancements, or modifications for the Software (collectively, "Support"), in its sole discretion, and may terminate such Support at any time without notice to you. Licensor reserves the right to charge you for any Support it provides but will make a schedule of those charges available to you prior to your incurring any costs. BreezeWay may change, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Software or services at any time, including the availability of any Software feature. BreezeWay may also impose limits on certain features and services or restrict your access to parts or all of the web site(s) without notice or liability. 10. U.S. Government Restricted Rights Legend. If the Software is acquired by any agency or other part of the U.S. government in a transaction subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulations or the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations, the Software is furnished with Restricted Rights. Use, duplication, or disclosure of the Software by the U.S. government is subject to all applicable restrictions set forth in such Regulations, as amended from time to time. Rights of the United States shall not exceed the minimum rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19 for "restricted computer software." All other terms and conditions of this License Agreement apply. 11. Indemnification. You agree to indemnify and hold the Licensor Entities harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys fees, made by any third party in connection with or arising out of your use of the Software, your violation of any terms or conditions of this Software License Agreement, your violation of applicable laws, or your violation of any rights of another person or entity. 12. No General Waiver. Licensors failure, in any instance, to exercise any of its rights under this Software License Agreement will not constitute a general waiver of such or any other rights hereunder. 13. Entire Agreement. This License Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and BreezeWay regarding the Software, Support and all accompanying documentation and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings regarding such subject matter. No amendment to or modification of this Software License Agreement will be binding unless made by the Licensor. If any provision is found to be invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the balance of the provisions will remain in full force and effect. This License shall be governed by the laws of the United States (as applied by federal courts sitting in the State of Wyoming) and of the State of Wyoming, except conflict of law rules. You consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in Laramie County, Wyoming and waive the defense of forum non conveniens. The United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods shall not apply to this Software License Agreement. Licensor reserves the right to revise this License Agreement at any time and you are deemed to be aware of and bound by any changes upon publication on our web site(s); the latest copy of this license can be found at http://www.RapidXLL.net/Licence.html 14. Inurement. The rights, restrictions, limitations, disclaimers and remedies granted to, retained by, or for the benefit of BreezeWay will inure to the benefit of and will be enforceable by BreezeWay and its licensors, successors and assigns. You may not assign your rights, obligations and interest in and to this License without the prior written consent of BreezeWay. The obligations, covenants and rights which apply to you will inure to your benefit and will be binding on you and your permitted successors and assigns. 15. Surviving Provisions. Sections 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10-15 will survive any termination of this Agreement. RapidXLLTM automatically converts C/C++ into: Excel Add-Ins, .NET Libraries, and HTML Documentation. Copyright (c) BreezeWay Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. BY INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE, OR, WHERE APPLICABLE, CHOOSING THE "I ACCEPT..." OPTION, YOU INDICATE THAT YOU HAVE READ, UNDERSTOOD AND ACCEPT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, YOU SHOULD NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL THE SOFTWARE.