Reglo 3.5

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‎用户评分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎评分

Reglo 是一款多功能屏幕标尺,非常适合设计师、艺术家、网站管理员以及任何需要处理图形的人。除了支持许多不同的测量单位、方向和标尺比例外,Reglo 还拥有丰富的方便功能,使您的工作更加轻松。 精确定位是 Reglo 如此有用的原因之一。Reglo 具有标尺参考线、放大镜和一键式定位到光标所在的精确位置。放大镜中显示的图像可以复制到剪贴板,以便快速绘制图标和图形。Reglo 还包括一个颜色选取器,使您能够查找和复制桌面上任何像素的颜色。颜色也可以以各种常用格式显示。 使用 Reglo,您可以确保您的设计适合它应该符合要求。窗口大小调整工具允许您更改其他应用程序窗口的大小,以便查看它们在不同屏幕分辨率上的外观,而无需切换到它们。 Reglo 可以在鼠标指针下显示像素的位置、距离、角度和颜色。位置和距离值以所选度量单位显示,可以同时转换为像素。 最重要的是,Reglo 在任务栏状态区域中会放一个图标,该图标可用于随时显示或隐藏标尺。这意味着,当您不使用 Reglo 时,Reglo 占用桌面上的空间非常小,但它仍可以随时使用所需的即时空间。 你会想知道你是如何没有雷格洛工作这么久。


  • 版本 3.5 发布于 2002-09-08
    添加了 Windows XP 视觉样式支持。添加了 Web 安全颜色过滤。添加了将标题栏文本复制到剪贴板的快捷方式。将自动预览模式添加到自定义缩放窗口。增加了低于 100% 的放大倍率,以增加屏幕捕获表面。



END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR BASTA COMPUTING SOFTWARE IMPORTANT: Carefully read this End User License Agreement ("Agreement") before installing, copying or using this Basta Computing, Inc. ("Basta") software product ("Software") in any way whatsoever. Any installation, copy, or use of the Basta Software indicates your full and irrevocable acceptance of all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please be aware that you are not authorized to install, copy, or use the Software and that any unauthorized act may entail your liability. COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Basta Computing, Inc. All rights reserved. 1- This Software product is a copyrighted work and is protected by United States and international copyright laws and treaties. 2- This Software product is licensed, not sold. It is, and shall remain at all times, the absolute and unrestricted property of Basta. Nothing in this Agreement shall prejudice, impair, jeopardize or otherwise adversely affect the rights of Basta as sole and exclusive owner of the Software. TRIAL PERIOD 1- The Software is initially provided to you for evaluation purposes. You may use it free of charge during a non-renewable trial period of thirty (30) calendar days. Upon the expiry of such period, you must immediately discontinue using the Software unless you register it in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 2- If you continue using the Software after the expiration of the aforesaid period without registering it, Basta shall have the right to institute all actions, take all steps and seek all remedies as may be necessary or appropriate in order to stop you from using the Software, and to claim and recover from you all losses and damages, whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether directly or indirectly, out of or in connection with such unauthorized use. You shall also be liable to indemnify Basta for and against all costs and expenses incurred by Basta including, but not limited to, court and legal fees. REGISTERING AND USE 1- Registering the Software means that, subject to your payment of the applicable fee, Basta will grant you a single end user license to use, run, access, display, or otherwise interact with ("Use") the Software on only one single computer, workstation, server, terminal, handheld PC, or other electronic device ("Computer") at any one time. The Software is considered to be "in Use" when it is loaded into RAM or installed on a hard disk or other storage device. You are not authorized to dissociate, alter or amend the Software in any way; and to Use the part thereof on several Computers. However, the primary user of the Computer on which the Software is installed may also install the Software on a portable computer for his or her exclusive use. 2- If you wish to Use the Software on more than one Computer, you must obtain a number of end user licenses equal to the number of Computers on which the Software will be Used and pay the registration fees accordingly. 3- Since you have the opportunity to try the Software before registering it, you will not be entitled to any refund or exchange for any reason. PROHIBITED USES 1- The Software can only be used for the purposes described in the documentation pertaining to the Software as published and amended exclusively by Basta from time to time. 2- Reverse engineering, decompiling, disassembling or otherwise attempting to discover the source code of the Software, disclosing, divulging or making registration keys or product passwords publicly available are illegal and shall constitute a violation of this Agreement. 3- No portion of the Software, including but not limited to, programs, algorithms, codes, texts, images, or sounds may be modified, adapted, translated, copied, stored, distributed, used or accessed in any way except as detailed in this Agreement. TRANSFER An end user license may be transferred to a third party subject to the obtaining of prior agreement to be bound by all the terms of this Agreement. Upon such a transfer, the previous owner of the end user license agrees that his rights to such license are terminated and that he will immediately discontinue using the Software. DISTRIBUTION 1- This Software cannot be re-sold or used in any profit-making activities, including but not limited to, distribution as part of a commercial product or service, without the prior written consent of Basta. 2- Copies of the Software that are intended for distribution purposes must be obtained from Basta or downloaded from its Internet web site, and distributed as-is, in their original packaging, including all the copyright and other proprietary notices pertaining to, and included in the Software. 3- Nothing in this Agreement shall confer upon you the right to grant user licenses. Such right is, and shall remain at all times, exclusively vested in Basta. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY Basta products and services are provided without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Basta cannot be held liable for any special, direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages whatsoever (including but not limited to loss of profit) arising out of their use, or inability to do so. TERMINATION 1- Your right to use the Software for evaluation purposes shall terminate forthwith and without notice after thirty (30) calendar days from the date of your first Use, unless the Software has been registered during this period pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. Basta reserves the right to grant additional evaluation time in certain circumstances including, but not limited to the release of a new version of its software. 2- If you breach, default, violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions contained herein, Basta shall have the right to terminate this Agreement forthwith and without the need to any judiciary or extra-judiciary proceeding or prior notice. Upon such termination, you shall be obligated to discontinue using or distributing the Software immediately. Basta shall have the right to claim and recover from you all losses and damages, whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether directly or indirectly, out of or in connection with any such breach, default, violation and non-compliance, and you shall also be liable to indemnify Basta for and against all costs and expenses incurred by Basta including, but not limited to, court and legal fees. 3- Upon the termination of this Agreement, you shall not be entitled to claim or recover from Basta any amount paid to Basta prior to such termination. 4- The termination of this Agreement shall not affect your obligations arisen under it; which obligations shall survive such termination. GENERAL 1- Failure of Basta to enforce its rights with respect to any violation of this Agreement shall not constitute, or be interpreted as, a waiver from Basta to exercise such right at any later stage, as it shall deem appropriate. 2- Should any provision of this Agreement be in conflict with any law governing this Agreement, it will be deemed stricken from the Agreement and the remaining provisions will remain in effect. 3- This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. 4- This Agreement shall be construed, interpreted, implemented and governed in accordance with the laws in force in the state of Washington, United States of America. You shall submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Washington with respect of any claim, controversy, difference or dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement.