通过远程控制为所有客户提供支持。远程帮助台可以从快捷方式启动到 Web 或文件服务器,并且无需安装即可运行。小占用空间 exe 只需要在客户端计算机上运行。单个许可证包括无限客户端。功能 256, 15, 16, 24, 或 32 位屏幕传输, 压缩, 256 密钥 AES 加密 (Rijndael) 的所有流量, 文件传输, 音频聊天, 远程重新启动, 宏功能, 显示远程系统信息, 发送消息给远程用户, 剪板传输, 可定义热键、可定义 IP 端口、全屏模式、反向连接、可选输入以允许用户指定帮助需求、对 MS 鼠标或等效项的鼠标轮支持、使用允许多语言支持的位图配置远程显示、查找名称和 IP 地址、日志连接 IP 日期和时间、控制/查看模式、精简安装服务器仅 250KB、远程帮助台服务器不替换任何文件或修改注册表设置、单个可执行文件的可靠性。
- 版本 7.9 发布于 2011-11-01
次要错误修复和增强功能 - 版本 7.5 发布于 2007-03-02
Vista 错误修复
- 软件分类: 网络与互联网 > 远程计算
- 发布者: GID Software
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $195.00
- 版本: 7.9
- 适用平台: windows
Copyright 2011 GID Software, Melbourne, Australia All rights reserved. A single registeredlicense allows you to install Remote Helpdesk client on multiple computers at a single support site. There is no restriction on computers that can be remotely controlled using the remote helpdesk server. Huey does not include any costs that may be incurred by Microsoft for accessing the Windows operating system via the network/Internet. Disclaimer of Warranty This software and the accompanying files are sold 'as is' and without warranties as to performance of merchantability or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. No warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. Good data processing procedures dictate that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. All files should be backed up before running this software. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Any liability of the seller will be limited exclusively to product replacement or refund of purchase price.