River Past Screen Recorder Pro 7.8

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 8.22 MB
‎用户评分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎评分

River Past 屏幕录像机是一款易于使用、快速、功能强大的屏幕视频录制软件。 录制全屏、窗口(即使将其拖到屏幕周围)、固定区域或光标区域。输出到 AVI、DivX、XviD、MKV、OGM、WMV 或 MOV(可选)文件,并可选择具有质量设置的视频编解码器。它可动态地在您的系统上加载视频压缩机,以获得最佳的功率和灵活性。常见的编解码器包括 Cinepak, Indeo 3, 4, 5, 微软视频 1, 运动 JPEG, DivX 和 Xvid.使用后两个获得最佳的速度和质量。 可选地可以从任何来源录制音频,包括麦克风、线路输入或扬声器。即使在录制过程中,也可以手动调整录制音量。完全控制音频编解码器、采样率、香奈儿、每个样本的位数和比特率。 它有一个内置的调度程序,用于无人值守的录制。您可以设置开始时间和/或停止时间。当您无法参加时,从 Web 或计划广播记录您的电子学习会话。 它已被测试的速度是其他程序的四倍。非常适合制作演示、教程和培训视频。 使用可选的 MOV 助推器包,您可以输出到 QuickTime 影片。 使用可选的 MPEG-4 助推器包,您可以输出到 MP4 视频。 使用可选的 3GP 助推器包,您可以输出到 3GPP 或 3GPP2 视频。 没有广告软件或间谍软件。 需要直接 X 8。与 Windows Vista 兼容。 30 天回钱保证


  • 版本 7.8 发布于 2010-02-28
  • 版本 7.3 发布于 2007-04-22
    River Past 屏幕录像机 Pro 5.0 现在具有用于无人值守录制的内置调度程序,非常适合录制电子学习会话和预定视频广播。



PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING RIVER PAST SCREEN RECORDER END-USER LICENCE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. RIGHTS: a. A non-exclusive and non-transferable license to use the unregistered version of the River Past Screen Recorder free of charge. b. Unregistered River Past Screen Recorder contains limitations, which are removed for registered users. c. To distribute the program in its shareware form to third parties, provided that these parties accept the terms of this Agreement. IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO: a. Modify the software product in whole or in part. b. Reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software product. c. For registered users, it is strictly prohibited to give your registration code to third parties. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THE CLAUSES ABOVE, YOUR USER RIGHTS ARE AUTOMATICALLY TERMINATED. THIS TERMINATION IS IN ADDITION TO THE LEGAL, CIVIL OR OTHER REMEDIES THAT RIVER PAST CORPORATION MAY SEEK. LIMITED WARRANTY: DISCLAIMER FOR INDIRECT DAMAGES. This program is provided and licensed "as is", without any warranty of any type, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of mechantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall RIVER PAST CORPORATION or any other third parties involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the program be liable for any type of damage, in any circumstance (including, but not limited to, the direct or indirect damages caused by loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss), arising out of the use of or the inability to use the software product, even if RIVER PAST CORPORATION has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The user is entirely responsible for the results or performance of this software product. RIVER PAST CORPORATION may terminate this license at all times by informing the software product user. The user may terminate the End-User license by either destroying or erasing all copies of the software product. This limited warranty is governed by and interpreted according to US law. PROPERTY: The software product, including its code, documentation, appearance, structure and design, is an exclusive product of RIVER PAST CORPORATION, who permanently preserves all property rights to the software product or its copies, modifications, or merged parts.